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Thread: Posting two posts in succession

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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default Posting two posts in succession

    Is there a rule that says I cannot deliberately make two separate posts on two separate subjects in succession in the same thread?

    If not, then why would a CL arbitrarily decide to merge them without asking me first?

    If I wanted a single post, I am perfectly capable of doing that myself, so if there is a rule that says I have to do that, please explain. Otherwise, how can I prevent a CL from changing my posts to something different than I intended?

  2. #2
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    It never happened to me, and I have a long history of double, triple and even sextuple posting.

    3 double posts in less than 3 pages
    6 messages in a row here :
    I would have had 10 but someone interrupted me.

  3. #3


    As a point of general netiquette, it's considered impolite to double post because in some communities people use the practice to squelch other posters. A double post makes it more likely, for instance, that a new page in the thread will be generated, and since many people only read the most recent page, it can sometimes be an effective way to drown out an opposing viewpoint. In addition, since each post is a new row in the database, it can cause some small degree of bloat in the tables.

    Double-posting in your own thread is viewed as more acceptable, as is putting in a second post after sufficient time has passed that people have probably already seen the first and had the opportunity to comment but not availed themselves of it.

    There is a very functional multi-quote feature here that will let you easily respond to multiple previous postings in a single post of your own.

    Some forums even have a module that automatically merges double posts without moderator intervention.
    Last edited by Midgardsormr; 05-01-2015 at 11:00 PM.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  4. #4
    Banned User
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    When the two posts are about different topics, I see no reason why that would be considered rude.

    However, my point is that when I do decided to post that way, no one should have the right to just go in and change it because they can. I have the right to post what I want within the forum guidelines, and I don't want someone changing it because that's not how he would have posted. And as you can see, it's apparently something directed at me, since others haven't had this happen to them.

    So unless there is a forum rule that says you can't do this (and apparently there isn't), how do I stop some overzealous CL from arbitrarily deciding to change what I posted.

  5. #5
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chick View Post
    When the two posts are about different topics, I see no reason why that would be considered rude.
    Midardsormr did indirectly use the word impolite, but I haven't seen anyone else in this thread using the word rude.

    So unless there is a forum rule that says you can't do this (and apparently there isn't)
    There's a difference between etiquette (or Netiquette. if you will) and rules. Most forums, mailing lists, etc., have established an etiquette of their own, and not double posting simply is a part of this guild's etiquette. Most of us follow it simply out of mutual respect rather than insisting upon having things our own way.

    However, the guild has been around for a number of years and its etiquette has developed over a considerable period of time. You're new here, so I think it's reasonable not to hold you accountable for not being aware of these things yet. Becoming aware of them takes time, because they're a matter of practice rather than of rules.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  6. #6
    Banned User
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    This is not a netiquette question. If I WANT my posts left they way I posted them, no CL should be changing them, unless there is a written rule that I have violated.

  7. #7
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Chick has been a member since July, I think she understand how it work. Beside, communities tend to have similar rules. It shouldn't be hard to know what behaviour to avoid.

    Anyway, about the merged post: I think you should not make it something personal. At this time the CL probably knows about it and realize he made a mistake.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
    Chick has been a member since July, I think she understand how it work. Beside, communities tend to have similar rules. It shouldn't be hard to know what behaviour to avoid.

    Anyway, about the merged post: I think you should not make it something personal. At this time the CL probably knows about it and realize he made a mistake.
    I guess you're right, I did take it personally because of who it was, and perhaps it was just a mistake on his part. Case closed.

  9. #9
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    It's indeed a common etiquette to avoid multiple posts on internet forums. I often enter some threads and edit them to merge double/triple or mutliple posts., especially on basic multiple posts that could be prevented with a simple edit or on multiple quotes posts (which I think it was the case in your thread) - of course, not on the WIPs posts showing maps progress, mostly in order to de-clutter threads and the right forum window.
    I do that when I see them, I'm not all the time connected on the Guild forum hence i go through the ones I spot. I probably miss a lot of them. So nothing offensive or personal here Chick

  10. #10
    Banned User
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    Quote Originally Posted by - Max - View Post
    So nothing offensive or personal here Chick
    Good, I'm glad to hear that. In the future, I shall endeavor to make concise posts, but I am capable of doing it myself, so if I post twice, it's because I wanted the posts separate, and I'd appreciate if you respected that.

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