So, I play Eclipse Phase. It's a creative commons RPG, it's pretty amazing, and it's available here for free. I am currently in the process of purchasing some city maps for various locations around the solar system.
However, when it comes to certain cities, there are some design problems I'm not quite sure how to resolve. An O'Neill Cylinder, for example, is a curved object - difficult to represent on two dimensions, and a bit boring as well - I'd want any map to convey a sense of what it's like to be in a place where you can walk in a straight line and end up above where you started.
Other cities are just hard to figure out how to divide them up or draw them. Such as cities shaped like cones or teardrops (aerostats in the Venusian skies, icicle cities anchored underneath Europa's glacial crust), and others have no defined shape at all (massive cluster habs of lashed together with rings and spars). How to represent these places concretely, where going up or down (if those terms have any meaning in zero gravity!) is just as valid as left or right?
Thoughts, or better yet, examples?