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Thread: WIP - Map of the Continent from the Witcher universe

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  1. #1

    Help WIP - Map of the Continent from the Witcher universe

    Hello everyone,

    I'm fairly new to this forum, so please excuse me if I don't know something specific to it. I've been making maps for about 3 years now, lazily creating a map every 5-6 months. Right now, I'm working on the world map from The Witcher series. I just completed the physical map part (no labelling, borders, extra details), but I feel like I did something terribly wrong. Seriously guys, the more I look at the map the worse it appears to me, but I can't seem to find what's wrong with it, besides the desert.

    So on the side note, how to I make the desert in the far right center part (yellow-ish) look better, more appealing to the eye?

    Here's the map:


    Thank you all in advance!

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Firstly, have some rep for jumping in with a map in your very first post.

    As far as the map goes, I guess the only major thing I don't like is that your mountain chains seem too 'smooth'. There's not enough irregularity in the bevel effect or something; what about adding some kind of texture to them, and also a sort of 'fade layer' underneath that would help them transition better into the surrounding landscape?

    For the desert, a subtle pattern or texture there might be just the ticket, maybe some simple rock or sand texture.

    And welcome to the Guild!

  3. #3
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Hello DwarfChieftain, welcome to the Guild!

    What you are apparently seeing as mountain chains looks more like desert dunes to me. I think if you do the desert more like the "mountains" you've done, maybe on a smaller scale, and then redo the mountains into more distinct ranges with more height, grey/green color, and more mountain ruggedness texture, it might look better.

    Congrats on your first map post, I think it's a good start and I'll look forward to seeing where you take it

  4. #4


    Thank you!

    I have already done some improvements. There was a very drastic transition between mountain ranges/hills to flat areas, so I used a seamless rock texture at varying opacities and forms to give it a "mountainous" look. I also used a nice sand texture to give more flair to the desert (with sand/rock mix in between mountains and the desert. Lastly, I have done some minor improvements to swamps, forests and grasslands and also added a slight Angled Strokes filter to get a more artistic look. I will upload it here once I've rechecked everything.

    It's my 5th map, but my first one done completely with a tablet, not with a mouse. Strange that I've never thought about posting here, seems like a very nice forum! I've been mostly lurking since 2010, but lost my old account
    Last edited by DwarfChieftain; 06-26-2015 at 05:41 PM.

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