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Thread: How do I paste selection into picture without creating new layer?

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  1. #1

    Default How do I paste selection into picture without creating new layer?

    Hi. I just made some mountains on my map and I'm trying to add some trees, when I paste the selection into the image it creates a new image. I searched on google and I couldn't find a fix, when I click Ctrl + Alt and move the new image, when I release it makes a "Layer (Number) Copy (Number)"

    Also, I'm using Photoshop Elements 10
    Last edited by overki11; 07-24-2015 at 10:41 PM.

  2. #2


    The Ctrl+Alt method should work for dragging a selection and creating a copy on an existing layer (it does in CS3 anyway). But using paste always creates stuff on a new layer so you have to use the merge down option. Or merge selected layers or whatever.

  3. #3
    Banned User
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    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    You can merge two layers by selecting them and then using Merge (not sure where that is in PE, but in PS it's CNTL-E).

    However, I wonder why you feel you need to merge them. I create images keeping as many layers separate as I can. That allows me to change, redraw, erase, etc, very easily on one layer without affecting others. For example, suppose you decided you wanted to remove one mountain ... if you have merged it into a color layer, you will affect the color as well, but if the mountains are on their own layer, you can just erase the mountain without affecting the color on a different layer.

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