This is probably the wrong kind of battle map for this forum, but I was not sure where else to put it. This map was started as part of the May / June 2015 Lite Challenge. Old thread here:

I was unfortunately interrupted by life in the middle of the competition, so did not get to finish. The idea behind this map is that an officer running drills with his troops is interrupted by higher ranking officers to conduct a larger scale surprise mock-battle. Our officer takes the challenge a bit too seriously, but noone is (seriously) hurt.
Not much has changed since the competition. I have decided to separate the engagement into 3 main phases, the starting positions, main battle, and ending positions of the different units involved. I feel like there will be a little more info that I can add visually about the field of battle, but I need to decide on a style I want first. During the competition I was leaning towards making this a sketch in an after-action report, but since then I have been interested in doing something with a little more color, maybe like a history book illustration? I guess deciding that will be a first priority.
ambush-1-5-11x17 (big).png

This project will probably be on the back burner for a little, I may not update it until well after Labor Day, but it is not forgotten!