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Thread: Software for 2D star empire maps?

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  1. #1

    Question Software for 2D star empire maps?

    I'm looking into options to create some more stunning maps than I currently do in Adobe Illustrator, and am looking at software to create a good 2D star map.

    It needs to do borders (autogenerated would be awesome but we can all dream) and system labels.

    I already have a dataset of 3500+ planets (X, Y, Name, OwningEmpire (stellar type)), which I would like to import.

    I've looked a little at AstroSynthesis 3.0 (which seems to only do 3D...) and just got Cosmographer 3 from Pro Fantasy which looks a bit promising.

    Examples of maps I've made before and which I'm looking to emulate the look of are:

    Any tips?
    Last edited by Øystein; 08-22-2015 at 05:41 PM. Reason: extra link

  2. #2


    Big job. I know CC3 / Cosmographer is scriptable. It should be possible to construct a script to read in your data and populate a map with that information. Then it would just be a matter of making adjustments for aesthetics. For instance, unless you go pretty deep with the code, you'll probably need to untangle overlapping labels.

    Or you could use a similar approach with Illustrator.

    Borders would be a more challenging task, but fortunately, a lot of the work may already be done if you can find a Voronoi tessellation script already made. More likely for Illustrator than Cosmographer, of course:
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

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