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Thread: RequeimUO Ultima Online styled map

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  1. #1

    Map RequeimUO Ultima Online styled map

    I've done some work recreating our game world map in the style of the Ultima Online cloth map. Here are a few smaller pics of various areas.



    You can see here how i did the edging of the forests. I used a path which borders the forest and then did a text layer, typing out capital and lowercase O, "ooOooOOOOooOOooOo" kinda randomly. Then I flattened the text layer and selected and deleted the insides of the O's. Finally an outside black glow with some randomness finishes the look.



    Full map:

    The areas are all mostly generated automatically like swatches using pattern overlays and various inner glow and outer glow tricks. It's the towns and houses that I've had to draw manually.
    Last edited by Rex; 08-23-2015 at 01:06 PM.

  2. #2


    Here you can see the mountain folder, Within the folder is "rex-mountain ele..." which is the elevation data i originally used in the map generation BMP. It has nice concentric rings greyscale from dark to light which give the area some depth. The next layer down is a full brown color accross the entire image which use a black/white mask to hide and show the Layer Style>Pattern Overlay, which is of the mountains.


    There is also a Bevel & Emboss> Texture, which is the same mountain pattern which gives the individual mountains some pop. Mountains pretty much always touch grasslands at the bottom, so the Inner Shadow is a similar color to the grass with some noise so that it looks like the grass smoothly transitions into the mountains. At the top edge is the Drop Shadow which is creating the dark line at the tops of the mountain edge. The inner glow is listed but its not actually used.


    All of the area types use a very similar method. Grass, Forest, Jungle, etc, so that the majority of the map is auto-generated.

  3. #3


    I recently drew a hand drawn map in this style and just wanted to post it here.


  4. #4


    These are both fun and attractive maps, great work and welcome to the Guild!


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