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Thread: Struggling with borders.

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  1. #1

    Default Struggling with borders.

    Hello there.
    1rst of all, let's be honest. I do not use a offical version of the software im using.
    If t his is a problem for you to answer my question, no sweat, i understand perfectly.
    I mean to buy this once i'll be satisfied enough with the interface/results, but im too poor to buy it without intensive testing.
    If this post or me have to be deleted/banned, once again i understand perfectly, no sweat

    EDIT : Using Campaign cartographer 3
    Well lets talk about my problem.
    I stuggle drawing borders that follow rivers and coast, even though i read and re-read carefully NeonKnight tutorial:
    The T button does not seem to do anything when i press it.
    Ill describe my process maybe im stupid and cant understand basic english.
    1. Click "all map drawing tools"
    2. Select "border default"
    3. Click on the map (but where should i start ?)
    4. Press "T" on my keyboard.
    5. Nothing happens

    Thank you for reading and sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes, english isnt my native language.
    In a hope for an answer,

    Last edited by DouDaWitzki; 12-09-2015 at 07:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Well, for me there is two answers.
    1) You do it in photoshop or whichever programm you have, and you zoom in, and then you need a little bit of a steady hand and patience and practice, this is what I mostly do.
    2) For loooooong curved (coast?)lines etc, I would advise using some vector based programm (such as Illustrator) and playing around with that.

    regarding 1) it is just a question of practice, patience and steadyness
    regarding 2) you should easily be able to do it. I had originally learnt Illustrator back in 2006 during my year abroad in the US ( they had digital arts classes in highschool! That was SciFi for me as a german highschooler ), and only got back into using Illustrator a couple of weeks ago. Now, when I did this I watched some tutorials on youtube ( because, wonder oh wonder, in 9 years LOTS had changed ), but with only about 3 hours of watching tutorials you should easily be set to go no problem

    This is basically all the advice I can give

  3. #3


    Thank you for answering, but if i do so, will I be able to play around with sheets on the borders ?

  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected
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    Nov 2015


    "with sheets"? I'm sorry, but I don't think I quite understand you. If your question is: "Can I warp and bend the line I created at a later point" then the answer for Illustrator or any vector based programm is a resounding Yes

  5. #5


    Sorry i might have mispresented the problem by not saying im using campaign cartographer.
    Thought it was obvious since i took in the NeonKnight's tutorial, my bad.
    Anyway i would like to add sheets effect later on my kingdoms, so i dont know if i could use it if i use illustrator/photoshop.
    Than you for your patience

  6. #6


    Let me preface by suggesting that perhaps you should look into some tools that are better suited to your budget: Inkscape is a vector illustration program that is open source and free. It can achieve results similar to what CC3 can do, although you'll have to find a different source for symbol sets. The CSUAC (a huge collection of symbols collected over the years from the Dundjinni forums) is a good one, if it's online somewhere right now.

    As regards your specific CC3 problem, I'm afraid it's been too long since I last used it to give precise instructions, but I recall that the command line near the bottom of the window somewhere usually tells you what kind of input the program is expecting after you've entered a command. Answers about Profantasy software are hard to come by here because Profantasy runs a very successful community of their own, and most of the CC3 users go there instead of coming here, unfortunately.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  7. #7


    Thank you, and sorry for the late answer, been very busy lately.
    I give a immediate shot at inkscape, as you seem to have a strong faith in it

    Thank you again for answers.

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