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Thread: Fantasy world map of Whereamiat?

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  1. #1

    Default (Comission fulfilled) Fantasy world map of Whereamiat?

    An artist has been found for this map, thank you.

    Paid: $60 a month sound fair?

    (Edit: I hope to make a decision on a cartographic artist by this Wednesday)

    I have a couple photos of the map I've made. I'll post them soon as I can figure out how to do that on my phone.


    This is to be a world map.
    The map I have made was made in a college ruled notebook. Towards the bottom left corner there is a simple scale of 700mi between blue lines.
    I'm not quite sure if that is the scale of the map I want for this project, but if I could have it close enough to tell what's what, that would be nice.

    I'm seeing this as a modern looking color map with details such as tan, sandy deserts; dark, green, leafy forests; pale green grasslands; bumpy hills; rough grey and white mountains; purple hearts, blue diamonds, yellow moons, green get the idea.

    I would like to receive:

    A printable map for on computer use. A pdf or a jpeg or really whatever you work with best is fine.

    There are some things I'd like to see on the map that either I have a rough idea where, but did not want to clutter up what I've made any more than it is already, or that I am completely without a clue on.
    These include:
    Volcanoes(locations of most are known)
    Polar circle areas(extreme north and south is all I know)
    Rivers(no clue)
    Small lakes and ponds(no clue, but hopefully the lay of the land will determine such things.)
    Farmed areas(possibly, there aren't too many 1,000+ acre farms in a fantasy world).

    I hope to in the far future contact whoever takes this on and add other layers to the map, but for now I just want to concentrate on physical features.

    Also, the distance of the ocean east-west from nearest continental land points is: 8,150 miles.

    The only time constraints I have are my own eagerness.

    Copyright info:

    Please treat this as if it were my property. I don't mind you taking credit for the work or posting it on your art sites. Just indicate that I am the rightful owner. I'd just hate to find out I can't use it for my story because someone else claims it's theirs.

    Contact: Hykok312 (at)
    Last edited by Hykok; 12-23-2015 at 10:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Professional Artist SteffenBrand's Avatar
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    Hey Hykok! =)

    Welcome to the forum and thank you for reading the Readme-Thread first (I guess, nearly all infos are here).
    However, I think it unlikely your request will be accepted as stated. Sorry :/ Don't know if you are new to this, but here is why:

    1. Payment. You ask someone to invest time even before you pay a part of it. Usually everyone handles this a bit different, most will tell you half now, half later. The only thing they have at the moment is your word. And they don't even have the exact price they can hope for (I by myself usually shy away from people who aren't willing to invest in their own product before it is published (which I guess you as an aspiring author want to do) - if the maker hasn't the confidence in his own product, why should anyone else?). Which leads me to the next points:

    2. World maps are a lot of work. A LOT. Probably only bigger cities can be as demanding as this. In addition you want this to be rather realistic, which requires a lot of time. My guess is, that everybody tackling this would invest about 50 to 150 hours. Which in the worst case breaks down to about $0.4 per hour. Would you do it?

    3. Versions: Yeah, of cause print / computer isn't a real difference in terms of making, just the export is usually defining for this. Globe however usually requires some or much re-work.

    4. You seem to be wanting this realistic, making continents 'work logically', withc climate, land-spots, etc. In addition you want streets, which you really wouldn't see with a scale of 8,150 (making a world of my own with about the same measurement, I know what I'm talking about here). This would require extra layers for zoomed-in or other dynamic techniques.

    5. The ask for all rights, which by itself can be expensive. In this case I think it's unlikely someone else would use it. But those rights could add to a bill with 'real contracts'.

    What I would do if I were you:
    Post what you have. I'm quite sure your world isn't that generic that everyone could just use it anyway. Make sure, people are excited about it and WANT to work on it, then payment isn't the biggest issue. Right now they have nothing to see what this is all about... with this move you could hope for en enthusiastic cartographer to try his hands on it and probably tackle something new / exciting / whatever makes your world interesting.

    Hopefully this doesn't sound as brutal as it sounds to me re-reading it :/ I only hoped to spare you some waiting and be honest about my thoughts on this.
    I hope you find someone anyways who is willing to work on this and you two are both happy with your arrangement. =)
    Best wishes, Steffen
    Last edited by SteffenBrand; 12-18-2015 at 05:07 AM.
    Visit me on ArtStation.

  3. #3


    Thank you Steffen,

    While this is brutal, it was a kind and necessary brutal, and I thank you for it. I'll take your advice under consideration and edit my above post.

    Edits have been made.
    Last edited by Hykok; 12-17-2015 at 11:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    some things are easy and other things rather HARD and take a lot of time

    now 100% random computer generated height maps and computer colored planet maps are simple
    ( run a program with a few options and in 10 Minutes it is done )

    or using one of those and hand painting a albedo unshaded map will take one evening of part time work

    ( for 3d rendering )

    that takes a day for everything involved and is low resolution and unlabled !!!!

    labeling things takes a lot of time and using non random AUTO generated maps takes even MORE time to make

    the REALLY GREAT examples on the site took 1 to 2 weeks of work
    some even longer.

    for the level of detail ( city streets )
    the 86400 x 43200 pixel Earthlights i made from the VIIRS data took 3 MONTHS of FULL TIME work

    -- data processing and then coloring took about 90 days
    -- an example

    so think a time scale of ALL WINTER for street level planet map
    and price accordingly
    Last edited by johnvanvliet; 12-18-2015 at 04:01 AM.
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

    --- Penguin power!!! ---

  5. #5


    I like the look of the globe, only I'd want it in a map form. Maybe a globe version someday.

    How much for a high res version?

    By labeling do you mean naming the lakes and mountains etc? If so I haven't named them myself yet, perhaps that could be another layer for another date.

    Really the closest to the surface I care to get is around 125 ft. So a street level won't be needed. And zoom can of course be done with any computer's image viewing program.

  6. #6


    Alright whats with the huge opaque wall blocking me from posting photos?

  7. #7
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    I like the look of the globe, only I'd want it in a map form. Maybe a globe version someday.
    How much for a high res version?
    the third image ( the one above the globe) is a 1440x720 reduction of the 4096x2048 lowres image i was playing around with

    i can post that one and it is under the CC license ( cc-by-sa)

    but something with the level ( or grater ) of detail like this example :
    -- my home town AnnArbor Area in metro Detroit

    you would be looking at about $1000 or more

    the example is a map that is 65536x32768 pixels , 182 pixels per degree -- and 6 Gig of drive space ( bigger than my first hard drive -3 gig )
    these big and HUGE ( 131,072 x 65536 pixels - 24 Gig ) maps are very time consuming
    and take up Huge amount of drive space

    Alright whats with the huge opaque wall blocking me from posting photos?
    as i recall there is a 5 or 6 post requirement for attachments
    you can always post a link
    the two above but not as clickable thumbnails
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

    --- Penguin power!!! ---

  8. #8


    $1,000 is a bit intimidating. Half that price(Give or take a hundred) would be more reasonable. So I may have to sacrifice hi-res. but I really, really want something with a bit of 3D depth and visual texture to it.

    Here's a map from Antonio Frade's Versake Studio that I've been contacted with that I rather like:

    This map from J. Edwards is rather lovely
    Last edited by Hykok; 12-21-2015 at 05:02 PM.

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