An artist has been found for this map, thank you.
Paid: $60 a month sound fair?
(Edit: I hope to make a decision on a cartographic artist by this Wednesday)
I have a couple photos of the map I've made. I'll post them soon as I can figure out how to do that on my phone.
This is to be a world map.
The map I have made was made in a college ruled notebook. Towards the bottom left corner there is a simple scale of 700mi between blue lines.
I'm not quite sure if that is the scale of the map I want for this project, but if I could have it close enough to tell what's what, that would be nice.
I'm seeing this as a modern looking color map with details such as tan, sandy deserts; dark, green, leafy forests; pale green grasslands; bumpy hills; rough grey and white mountains; purple hearts, blue diamonds, yellow moons, green get the idea.
I would like to receive:
A printable map for on computer use. A pdf or a jpeg or really whatever you work with best is fine.
There are some things I'd like to see on the map that either I have a rough idea where, but did not want to clutter up what I've made any more than it is already, or that I am completely without a clue on.
These include:
Volcanoes(locations of most are known)
Polar circle areas(extreme north and south is all I know)
Rivers(no clue)
Small lakes and ponds(no clue, but hopefully the lay of the land will determine such things.)
Farmed areas(possibly, there aren't too many 1,000+ acre farms in a fantasy world).
I hope to in the far future contact whoever takes this on and add other layers to the map, but for now I just want to concentrate on physical features.
Also, the distance of the ocean east-west from nearest continental land points is: 8,150 miles.
The only time constraints I have are my own eagerness.
Copyright info:
Please treat this as if it were my property. I don't mind you taking credit for the work or posting it on your art sites. Just indicate that I am the rightful owner. I'd just hate to find out I can't use it for my story because someone else claims it's theirs.
Contact: Hykok312 (at)