I'll be printing this one up poster 36x24 size for my homebrew campaign....a grand encounter occurs here.hamlet grid.jpg
I'll be printing this one up poster 36x24 size for my homebrew campaign....a grand encounter occurs here.hamlet grid.jpg
Looks good! You may want to make the walls for the houses a bit more defined, right now you have to squint a bit to tell they are there.
Let us know how the encounter goes! It looks like a nice set up for epic adventures!
Thank you! There aren't actually any walls....i modeled this map after a map i had from an older rpg module i had (see attached). its the foundation around the houses, and then just the floors, no wallsIMG_0318.JPG
Unigue way of defining the shape of the Buildings.
Nice map over all
The Wayward Traveler
Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild
I was going to make the same comment about the walls needing more definition but it makes sense if they are supposed to be the foundations. Nice looking encounter map anyhow!
thanks for the rep!! Im just a novice with virtually no computer skills other than the basics, so I must say Campaign Cartographer can do wonders for those of us with not much photoshop, gimp, or illustrator knowledge. As I practice, and pick up new techniques, im hoping my maps can come close to compare to some of the incredible pieces of work I've seen here!
One thing that might help then, to define it better, would be to not use the texture where the foundations are.
In that attached example map, they use a flat color for the foundations, so that might help for your map as well.
And I thought I'd add, we all start somewhere. Me included. 5 years ago I couldn't do a digital map worth much.
I've learned a lot since then.
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