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Thread: Modeling Spaceships using Blender 3D

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept bryguy's Avatar
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    Tutorial Modeling Spaceships using Blender 3D

    Since Ascension asked, I thought I would put up a tutorial of how to make a pretty good looking spaceship in Blender

    I dont have time to add to many pictures yet, so Ill go through later and add more.

    Before we start, there are some things you will need for this, some of which may just be helpful, but arent really necesarry:

    A Computer
    Blender 3D (Download it here: )
    A Keyboard
    A 2 Button Mouse (you can probably use a 1 button mouse, but 2 button works best)
    Your Computer Plugged Into An Outlet

    Oh, and here are some keys/key combinations that you may want to know:

    A (or AKey) : Select/Deselect all
    Cntrl+Tab (in edit mode) : Choose what to select (Edges, Vertices, or Faces)
    Cntrl+Z (or Cntrl+ZKey) : Undo
    8 (or 8Key, not in the regular number area on your keyboard thats from left to right, 1 to 0, but the one that is usually to the right of the arrow keys) : Rotate View Up
    2 (2Key) : Rotate View Down
    4 (4Key) : Rotate View Left
    6 (6key) : Rotate View Right
    Right Mouse Button Click (RMB) : Select Object
    Spacebar : Add objects, Edit selected objects, Transform selected objects, and more

    Now that you know those, your ready to start

    Part 1: Making the shapes

    1) Okay first, open Blender. When you open it, you should get a screen like this

    Now you need to select the box that they have (it may already be selected, items are selected if they have a pink outline around them) by Right Clicking on it.

    2) Now we're going to shape the box into any shape we want. For now, we are going to shape it into a sort of triangle. If you want to use it as a box, thats fine, but I suggest following this tutorial using it as a sort-of triangle. To be able to modify it, in the lower buttons area (with stuff like Modifiers, Shapes, Multires, Mesh, and Link and Materials) you should see a dropdown menu that is currently on Object Mode. Change that to Edit Mode. Now you will be able to modify different aspects of your box.

    3) With your box selected, hit Cntrl+Tab, and choose Faces. This allows you to modify the different faces. Faces are basically the different sides of your object, Edges are the edges of your object (lol 'Thank You Mr. Obvious ), and Vertices are points on your object where edges connect.

    4) Now, on your box, right click on one of the sides to select that side. If you want, first take a look around the box and then choose a side, but dont select the bottom or top face. To rotate around the box, hit the 8, 2, 4 or 6 button on your number pad, the one to the right of the arrow keys usually. Those buttons allow you to rotate around your objects and change your view. After you select the face you want, then rotate so that the face is facing towards you and looks like a square, and so that the grid around it looks like a flat horizontal line.

    There should be three arrows converging in the center of your face (or in the center of your box), and either the red or the green one should now be in the center of your face, and the other should be going off to the left or right, with the blue arrow going straight up or straight down. Use the 4 or 6 number pad button to rotate your vew so you can see whichever arrow was in the center of your face, and left click mouse button on it, and hold the left click button, and drag the arrow around. Drag it until you have a rectangle.

    5) Now to resize that face. With that face still selected, hit the S key, and move the mouse around. This should enable you to change the size of the face, and once you click, it should stop resizing and stay at that size. Experiment and get the hang of it, and then resize it so that it is an itsy bitsy teeny tiny box, and your rectangle more like a triangle. Congratz! You have just made your first shape/object

    Keep experimenting all you like, and try to make different shapes. Try moving around edges, vertices, or creating different shapes, or duplication your current shape. To add more shapes, with your mouse in the 3D screen, hit the spacebar, and do select Add:, and then choose what you want to add. I like using cubes, cause you can modify those to your hearts content to create any shape (or almost). You could also (after hitting the Spacebar) choose Edit to edit your shape, Transform for things like duplicating and rotating, or any of the other options.

    Note: If you have an item selected and then go to edit mode and then add an item, these items will be connected and edited at the same time. I suggest you go back to Object Mode before adding new objects.

    If you want your cube smoother, more like a ball, then heres what you do:

    1) Change your mode to Object Mode, and select your object
    2) Under the screen that has all those different things (Link and Materials, Mesh, etc) go under Modifiers: Add Modifier: Subsurf, and then increase the Levels to make it smoother.

    Ill continue with the creation of the spaceship tomorrow, or sometime after I add pictures to this For now, keep experimenting, as I find that that is the best way to learn
    Last edited by bryguy; 10-30-2008 at 11:47 AM.
    "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone," it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
    "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things."

    "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."

    -Lewis Carrol: Through the Looking Glass

  2. #2
    Guild Adept bryguy's Avatar
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    Part 2: Adding the Wings/Adding More Shapes :

    Okay now I am going to teach you how to add the wings, and how to add additional shapes.

    1) Change your mode from Edit Mode to Object Mode.

    2) Use the 8 and 2 keys to get a view from above your current project, and the 4 and 6 buttons to get your view lined up with the grid. Your view should look like the following:

    3) Hit the A button (or AKey) to deselect your current shape. If you hit the AKey again, it will select everything, but for now lets go with having everything deselected.

    4) With your mouse in the 3D screen (the one with your project) hit the Spacebar and choose Add--> Mesh--> Cube. If done correctly, a cube will pop up somewhere in your image, probably on top of your current image. Use the green or red arrow to move it just off the side of your triangle shape, but so that its still touching. Now change your mode to Edit Mode.

    5) Now, hit Cntrl+Tab and choose Faces. Use the 2 or 8 button to change your view so that you can see the side, but still part of the top, and then use the 4 or 6 button so that you can see most of the cube. Select (Right Click) either the top or the bottom of the cube, and then use the Blue Arrow to make it shorter. Change your view so you can see the side if needed.

    6) Change your view with the 2 4 6 and 8 buttons so that you can see the box from the top, with 2 sides vertical and 2 sides horizontal. Then change your mode to Object Mode. Next, hit the Spacebar and do Edit--> Duplicate. A copy of the square should appear right in the same spot as it. A duplicate box with a White Line around it should appear. Quickly click the mouse button, without moving the mouse, as moving the mouse will move it to a different spot then its supposed to be. If your mode is Edit Mode from duplicating it, then change it to Object Mode. Now go use the arrows to move the duplicate cube to the other side of your triangle shape, and at about the same position.

    7) Now we need to get the wings into a position that is a good spot for wings, Im going to have them at halfway up the triangular object, but you can position them anywhere along the height of it. First, while in Object Mode, hit and hold the Shift Button and Right Click. Do that to select both wings. Now rotate your view using the 8, 2, 4 and 6 buttons so that you can see the side. Now use the blue arrow to move the wings to whatever height you want.

    Hmm.. Seems like I've run out of room for pictures. Ill continue this part in the next post
    "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone," it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
    "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things."

    "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."

    -Lewis Carrol: Through the Looking Glass

  3. #3
    Guild Adept bryguy's Avatar
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    Part 2 (Continued):

    Now hit the AKey to deselect both wings, then Right Click to select one of them. Change the mode to Edit Mode, and do Cntrl+Tab, and choose Edges. Now right click on the edge that is farthest forward on the side farthest from the triangular model (heck, Im just gonna call it the Main Body of the ship from here on out.) and move it so that it is touching the side that is at the back. Now go to Object Mode, hit the AKey, select the other wing, and repeat. If you didnt understand a word of that, then here are some pictures to help you:

    Now you have your wings If you want, you can add more ship parts to the end of the wings, but for now, I shall just keep my ship like this. In the next part, I will teach you how to use the Discombobulator (lol funny name) to add those tiny bumps of the likes of on Imperial Star Destroyers.
    "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone," it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
    "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things."

    "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."

    -Lewis Carrol: Through the Looking Glass

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Just to say I am very interested in the progress - ill comment and query later.

  5. #5
    Guild Adept bryguy's Avatar
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    Part 3: Using the Discombobulator/Finding Scripts :

    This will hopefully be the easiest thing to learn. First though, you will need to learn how to get into scripts in blender. I will start with that.

    1) See that little box in the corner of the button screen? Click it. A window should now pop up that is titled at the top, Window Type. Change the type to Script.

    If your buttons screen turned out looking like that last picture, then congratz

    2) Now to get to the Discombobulator. See the word there that says Scipts?? Click that, and a dropdown menu (or just a menu) should appear. On it, go Mesh--> Discombobulator. The Discombobulator menu should now appear.

    Looks confusing doesnt it? Well, its not really that confusing. Im going to tell you the basics about using it, but if you want, there is a website with a mini tutorial for the Discombobulator, and I suggest you look at that to learn the basics of what is what and what does what. Here is the link:

    If you dont read all of it, you wont understand a word of what Im going to say.

    How to get the best looking Greebles:

    1) You may be asking now "What the *@#! is a greeble???", or "What is he talking gibberish for?". Im going to explain. A Greeble is the name given to the cool little protrusions that are on things like spaceships, imperial star destroyers, the like, that you are going to create using the Discombobulator. Occasionally, Greebles are called something like Nurnies, but I prefer the name Greebles.

    2) Now here is how to get the best result using the Discombobulator.

    Face: Unless you want your model completely and totally engulfed in Greebles and Doodads (the protrusions that are usually on top of greebles. You should know what they are if you read the tutorial link i gave you), then I suggest you set the face percentage to 80% or less. Stuff like wings I prefer to have the face percentage set to 90%.

    Min/Max Height: These are tricky. You might be thinking "Oh, Ill just skip this and put in a Min height of -4 (for an inward greeble) and max height of 25 for some tall towers". Bad idea. The max/min height is set up so that 4 is about the same as 400, and 25 about the same as 2500. You will most likely want to use decimals for these. I suggest using nothing nothing less than -0.20 and nothing more than +0.20.

    Min/Max Taper: These you can set to whatever you like. 0 Taper is basically a cube, and 100 taper is a pyramid. I like to set the Min to 0 and the Max to 100, that way I get a pretty good range of taper.

    Number of Protrusions/Select Tops of: I dont really have any clue what these do, but I just keep them all selected.

    Also, I suggest that you keep the Make Protrusions box checked (or chosen), and the Only Selected Faces and Deselect Selected unchecked (or unchosen).

    For Doodads:

    I suggest having a Min ammount of 0 and a max ammount of 6, but the rest are I suggest you having like just below the ammount of the same type you have for the protrusions. So if you have like a Face % of 80%, then for doodads make it at least 75%. Also, keep play around with which boxes you want chosen, but I like to keep the 1-3 box boxes checked, along with the L S and T ones checked, and Make Doodads, only selected tops, and only on protrusions checked. The rest I leave unchecked.

    The rest you can leave, or experiment with. Also, be sure to uncheck the Copy before Modifying box unchecked, as that messes it up and you would have to go back and do it all again. Also, be sure to have your mode in Object Mode and to have an object selected.

    When your done, hit the Discombobulate button, and after a short wait, you should have your Greebles. Heres what your spaceship should look like:

    It may take some experimenting to get the hang of it, but after a while you may be able to use the discombobulator with your eyes closed

    Be sure to keep experimenting, and if you accidentally do something wrong while using the discombobulator, then just hit Cntrl+Z to undo it.

    Hope you enjoyed


    Note: I may at a later time put more blender tutorials here, but for now, enjoy
    "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone," it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
    "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things."

    "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."

    -Lewis Carrol: Through the Looking Glass

  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I tried the decom script on my ship but I found it difficult to use. It seems to treat each face as an individual entity instead of as a whole surface. Consequently it seems to put massive spikes on the really small polygons.

    Anyway, what I did try is the polygon reduce script which is really cool. This is my model head at 40,000, 4000, and 1000 polys. It did a really good job of reducing them with good resulting mesh. Very impressed.

    I have a request for a tutorial tho. What I would like to do is create an empty mesh which I have done easily as its a straight forward option. Then I have added vertexes to it with ctrl+LMB in the shape of half a section of a wine glass. Now to stitch those vertexes into a planar mesh I had some trouble but I found the easiest way was to select them 3 or 4 at a time and use the F button. Is there any way of selecting them all in one go and skinning them into a single poly or a filled mesh of triangles. Anyway, got that far. Now I want to 'spin' or lathe this into my wineglass. The spin tool is beyond me. All I get from it is a mess. I have the 3D cursor on the bottom left vertex as shown and then I go to Num7 for top view. Press A for select all in edit mode and then spin with 360, 90, 1. Result - rubbush. What am I doing wrong ?

    Image shows front view but I am trying to spin from top view.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 10-30-2008 at 07:37 PM.

  7. #7
    Guild Adept bryguy's Avatar
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    @--> RR

    Hmm.... Im having a little trouble trying to understand what your trying to do... from the sounds of it, your trying to model a wine glass, but using an object, then adding additional vertices to it, and then modeling it into a wine glass.... but thats as much as i understand of what you said

    oh well. For your discombobulator problem tho, it sounds like your maximum doodad or protrusions height is to heigh, and maybe the minimum height is to low. If it is, your thing is probably looking like my first picture attatchment, which is a monkey discombobulated wrong. You want it to look more like my second attachment, which is what the monkey looks like done right.

    Also, something I forgot to mention for using the discombobulator. The percentage things (max height, min heigh, etc) are sliders, so dont just hit the arrows, click and hold on them, and then move your mouse left and/or right to make the amount go up and down in the decimals.

    First Attachment has max height 1
    Second Attachment has max height 0.12

    (p.s. Ill try and work on your problem)
    Attached Images Attached Images
    "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone," it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
    "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things."

    "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."

    -Lewis Carrol: Through the Looking Glass

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