OK, inspired by the floating castles of DragonLance & Moon's Spawn from the Malazan series I decided to create my own.
Here in it's very early stages is Castle (Insert Name Here), home to the Council of Five - a group of wizards of nearly god-like power who lord over the planet of Animaar.
This is in its very early stages, I used Ascension's asteroid-making tutorial as a base to start from. There are parts I like quite a bit, and some I'm not to happy with at the moment.
I was looking for some very simple creature "icons", as each of the wizards is aspected to a certain kind of creature(s); Feline/Lupine/Ursine, Avian, Insect, Reptilian/Amphibian, Arachnid/Scorpion. So far I haven't found anything I like so I defaulted to some hieroglyphic symbols I got from the Dundjinni forums.
So here you go...