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Thread: The Early Ashor Kingdom

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  1. #1
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Map The Early Ashor Kingdom

    Hi all. This is a map for a part of a fantasy world I am putting together. I am trying a new style with the very washed out pallette in an effort to make the map clearer and more informative. Maps like this are going to be used to explain the historical devleopment of the world so as to provide a context for a "current" world map that will be in a more arty style. Please let me know what you think. Any comments and crits would be welcomed.

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    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Its very nice - almost handsome.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    I actually was contemplating going back and editing my post after I saw it dsiplayed with the attachment, just to say that I hadn't realised how much I've been influenced by HandsomeRob's atlas until right now. But then again thats me, a kind of cartogrpahical hermit crab, trying different shells. I'm still after your beaches Red .

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  4. #4


    What's with the "river" north from Almashys connecting the two bodies of water? I thought that it might be a canal, but why on earth would anyone dig a canal in a place like that, when you appear to have a natural channel just a short way to the west? Also, what are all those triangles? Mountains maybe?

    I like the style and look of the map. Changing the font could go a long ways toward giving it more of a fantasy feel, if that's your goal.

  5. #5
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    I like this, and was going to say it has a very 'atlas-like' style to it, but you beat me to it.

    I'm also curious as to what the triangles are supposed to represent.
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  6. #6
    Guild Apprentice Gowienczyk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel General View Post
    I like this, and was going to say it has a very 'atlas-like' style to it, but you beat me to it.

    I'm also curious as to what the triangles are supposed to represent.

    My guess is outposts and camps.
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  7. #7
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    The triangles are ruins. The different colours represent ruins from different historical epochs. The red ones are ancient statutes of dragons, now weathered beyond recognition, that used to mark the boundary of an ancient kingdom.

    There has recently (about 500 years ago) been a catastrophic flood of biblical proportions. This has altered much of the original geography. The Ashor Sea is largely a flood creation and some of the original watercourses have, as yet not completely eroded away. One of these is the canal which used to form part of a more complex river system, but now forms an extra link with the wider channel between the seas. Those to channels will eventually erode away the area between them turning it into an island.

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  8. #8
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    I agree, the map has a realistic feel to it (something I would expect in an atlas). Very wel done!

    The only thing that looks weird to me is the positioning of the text "Huidas". I probably would have positioned it horizontally.
    Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.

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  9. #9


    The mountains and forests really rock. Beautiful work, Torq. I almost prefer this to your usual style, the understatement makes it really easy on the eye and makes the labels the centre of attention.

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