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Thread: Call for Award Categories

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  1. #1
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Default Call for Award Categories

    Following our announcement on the 'Map Oscars' replacing the Annual Challenge, this thread is for posting your ideas for award categories.

    The number of categories hasn't been finalised yet (we're waiting to see your ideas) but it'll definitely be in single figures, so bear that in mind when submitting lists of suggestions.

    We want a fair award system that recognises all aspects of map making, and we hope your ideas will reflect that. Some aspects to consider for awards: labelling, layout design, artistic linework, geographical/architectural consistency, most improved etc.

    So go ahead and post your suggestions below.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected jpstod's Avatar
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    Original Hand drawn (Photoshop, Gimp, Paint and other graphics programs. No pre-made art)
    Mechanical (Campaign Cartographer, Dundjinni and any other similar program. No outside editing)
    Hybrid (Combination of Hand Drawn and Pre-made elements or post editing with a graphics program)

    Battle Map..24x36 1"=5' (Single Map)
    Battle Map Multi-level 24x36 1"=5' ( Multiple Maps Mapping a Single Structure)
    Battle Map Series 24x36 1"=5' (Designed to be used with each other mapping multiple locations)
    Last edited by jpstod; 03-29-2016 at 10:37 AM.
    The Wayward Traveler
    Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild

  3. #3


    Awesome! Great work for putting this idea together, feels like a good option to the original concept

    Some suggestions, similar to above:
    1. Best Map (aka, the best map of the year – all categories).
    2. Best digital map (Photoshop etc)
    3. Best traditional map (Pen and paper y'all!)
    4. Best mechanical map (Dundjinni etc)
    5. Best hybrid map (Combination of both digital and traditional work)

    Or another set of possible categories, which I prefer over the above:
    1. Best Map
    2. Best world map
    3. Best continent map
    4. Best regional map
    5. Best city/building map
    6. Best dungeon map
    7. Best alternative map (Space maps etc)


  4. #4
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Perhaps scales should be considered, as in Small scale to large scale in common depiction. So like World:Continental:Regional:Country:City:Building-Dungeon:Vehicle
    Or perhaps a bit less than that.

    Edit: I got sniped

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    I'm thinking the map's purpose could be the base of categories. For example:

    Prettiest illustrative map
    Clearest informative map
    Most playable battle map

    I also like Tainotim's suggestion of "best overall" or such

  6. #6


    I'd suggest some categories that are "best" and more generic. I'm thinking things like:
    - Best use of colour in a map
    - Best use of symbols in a map
    - Best thematic interpretation
    - Best "in-world" map (I.e. a map that is consistent with its depicted world and could exist within that world)

    And so on...

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  7. #7
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Sunny Scotland


    I'd like to see a 'Most Imaginative/Most Unusual' type of award, for those maps that are just a bit different from everything else.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  8. #8
    Guild Artisan
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    I'd like to see a 'Most Imaginative/Most Unusual' type of award, for those maps that are just a bit different from everything else.
    Completely second that. Would just replace "unusual" by "original".

  9. #9
    Guild Member Amonite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
    I'd like to see a 'Most Imaginative/Most Unusual' type of award, for those maps that are just a bit different from everything else.
    I agree! A 'most original' or 'most creative' type category would be good.

  10. #10


    Here's my suggestion, inspired by the posts before mine. I restricted myself to a small number, as I think having too many categories and award would simply lessen the prestige from receiving it. Keep in mind, that I'm quite new to this place, so this list is only a reflection of my time spent here. First, I think making an award for each map category would be great! No need to think of new fancy stuff, those categories have already been established in the forum structure!

    Now after that, let's look at what other thing are created on this forum. We have a section for tutorial and assets, which I think should be brought forward (I would never have been to make some of my map without many of the tutorials proposed through the forum).

    So we have the main categories award, designed for those creation that encompass the best of everything. Now let's get down to some specifics.

    1. Best Map (All categories)
    2. Best Regional/World Map
    3. Best Town/City Map
    4. Best Building/Structure Map
    5. Best Dungeon/Subterranean Map
    6. Best Sci-Fi/Modern Map * (Not quite sure if it shouldn't be simply included in other since a city can be futuristic or modern...)
    7. Best Battlemap
    8. Best Boardgame Map

    9. Best Tutorial
    10. Best Original Asset

    11. Most Realistic Map (Geography/Architecture consistency)
    12. Best Colour
    13. Best Labels and Texts
    14. Best B&W Map
    15. Most Unusual/Original Map

    That's all I have to proposed for now.

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