So here's my map. Haven't done much yet, but just wanted to get it on here.
Guild Map - World 16 1.jpg
So here's my map. Haven't done much yet, but just wanted to get it on here.
Guild Map - World 16 1.jpg
Hello neighbor, I just realized that the western-most part of the border we share is my only passable connection with the north-western regions. Any chance we might keep those borders open..? I certainly won't take advantage of it ;p
Here's an update for my map.
It shows the region of Harewood (my last name translated ;p) where 16 dukes rule. They form one nation, but none of the dukes rules permanently. One dukes gets chosen as the Lord of Harewood and rules as such until his death. Then another duke, from another duchy, is chosen as the new Lord of Harewood. This obviously is the cause of corruption and marriages for political gains. All the dukes, or their delegates, travel to the capital when business needs be discussed. This is a time consuming phenomenon so progression is generally slow in these lands. It also ensures a greatly decentralized government, with little, if any, organisation throughout these lands.
I'm not sure about relations with neighbors yet, but those will surely develop, or decrease, soon enough (:
[WIP] The 16 Duchies of Harewood 1.jpg
As always, let me know what you think!
I think this mountain style will work really well![]()
And the duke currently in charge could think about controlling The Great river of Life in the rocky wastelands to the east with some help from the far east![]()
I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Explain your plan, dear sir!
Well it seems that all the main branches of The Great river of Life pass through the dry wastelands where crazy fanatics of some ancient God dry up the the rivers and even contaminate it with plague. This is very bad for anyone downstream ( your souther border ) especially to your lands since it is the best connection to many lands as well to the open sea. My people who hold the river as one of their two holy places, as well as their connection between life and death (basically like Ganges river) cant tolerate what is being done downstream of it. We would propose a joint effort of huge proportions that in the following decades we take the Dry lands and divide it evenly, you gaining the northern and me the southern branch of the river that go through the middle of the lands. I think both of us have a lot to gain by doing so, as well as gaining respect from the southern neighbours for removing the plague source. *khmatleastuntiliconquerthemaswellkhm*![]()
I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Yessss, Lord of Harewood, listen to him, follow him to his war in the easssst...! XD
Btw. great job so far Dan.
your "Neighbour"^^
I have not intention in attacking you, if that is what you mean. I'd even like to maintain some friendly, or at least neutral relations with you! Most of our border is an enourmous mountain range that cuts me off from the north western part of the land. The only passage goed through your lands, in the southern most part of the border.
As I said, I don't want to attack you, it looks like I'll be fighting a war in the far east, and Abu is already showing interest in my lands. I don't know what you're up to, but maybe we could form an alliance?