Hello all
This is a city I've begun work on for a game I run. The city itself is based loosely on a description from the game's books but I've altered it to fit what I need it for. Essentially the city will have three main districts when done, the rich High Town to the north of the river, the poorer Low Town to the south of it (which includes most of the markets, workshops, storehouses and military facilities) and finally Tent Town outside of the city walls to the south which is home to a great flood of refugees.
As you can see in this first WIP image, I've started with the poorer Low Town, drawing the wall first to make sure I didn't get carried away and leave no room for the refugee camp and also to force a cramped sort of vibe as I built it up. I put in the major roads first and have been going steadily along making small blocks, adding small streets and whatnot as I go, leaving space for markets, temples or other larger structures that I need. The poorer housing, mostly to the west, I've tried to make look disorganized and very cramped together. Buildings that will make up areas of commerce that are not markets such as craftsman's workshops or stores I have made a little more regular in size and placement with a bit more space between each one.
Richer shopping districts will go on the river front on the northern side, slowly giving way to greener spaces, estates and mansions as the city moves north. I have fewer must-haves in the north apart from a keep complex that houses the central council and government of the city. There's no monarchy as such so there won't be a grand palace or castle but some of the wealthier noble estates will almost take the place of that.
So here's the first WIP, I'll try to remember to get updates on it as I go along though I do tend to binge on mapping at weekends!
If anyone has any critique, ideas for things or especially suggestions on laying out the richer side of the river I'd love to hear them.