Inspired by the floating castles of DragonLance & Moon's Spawn from the Malazan Book of the Fallen series I decided to create my own floating castle/fortress.
I started with Ascension's wonderful tutorial on making an asteroid, leaving out the steps that didn't really fit into what I was trying to do. The next step was the sky/clouds, the Gods of Google were with me and I found several quality tutorials on the creation of realistic clouds. Creation of the castle itself was fairly simple as it is essentially a series of stacked discs. I then let it loose on the CG Community. Through a lot of trial and error, and with plenty of immensely useful feedback (thanks again all ) it gradually got to where I was fully satisfied with it.
So here it is... the Magus Aerie - home to the Council of Five; a group of wizards of nearly god-like power who lord over the planet of Animaar.