About Me and This Thread
Hi there! Thanks for checking out my thread! My name is Chris (or you can call me 'mixerbach' if you prefer.) I'm pretty new here and have enjoyed lurking about since joining. But that can't last forever - can it? I mean, not if I want to get better at this whole map making thing. So I thought it might be time to hold my breath, close my eyes, and show the world (or at least the Cartographer's Guild) one of my maps. So, here goes nothing...
This map began as my entry into the May/June Lite Mapping Challenge. I started extraordinarily late (like 3 days before the deadline) and didn't have much hope of finishing. Regardless, I thought it would be a great exercise - and BOY was it! I think I learned more through the creation of this map than any other single map I've ever created. I think it may be the only map I've finished in recent history, although it was at least three or so weeks after the deadline.
I created the Union of Trinobel as the country to house the Wizard's Tower required by the May/June Lite Challenge. If you're unfamiliar with the challenge, it essentially laid out a list of map requirements requested by an imaginary author for an imaginary novel, The Old Wizard Finds A New Love. This list of requirements, while perhaps restrictive to some, was exactly what I needed to focus myself on a project. If you've never given the challenge a try, I highly recommend it. Chances are, you'll even get yours done on time!
About this Map
The Union of Trinobel is a nation of lush forests, verdant plains, mirror clear lakes and one 50-mile wide crater. The crater is also home to particularly nasty curmudgeon of a man named Praxiteles the Practiced, a 400-year old wizard.
While carrying out their lives, the residents of Trinobel are certain to give the crater, wherein Praxiteles' tower sits, a wide berth, fearing to evoke the cranky wizard's wrath. Living alone in his tower, Praxiteles demands the good people of Trinobel deliver monthly tributes of supplies and foodstuffs via rafts that float down the river running through his crater. Although tiresome for the people, the arrangement kept the nasty, old conjurer sated and the people safe. That was until last Tuesday.
The second Tuesday of each month is Tribute Day for Praxiteles - a day when the man is perhaps one notch less nasty than he is the rest of the month. But after activating the spell which effortlessly lifts the loaded rafts from the river and places them into the courtyard of Beyenayre Tower, he is shocked to find them completely empty, save a single piece of paper. Causing the paper to fly to his outstretched hand he examines it to find a message,
My Dear Praxiteles,
I just moved in at the steamy hideaway around the corner. It was too sweet of you to have the common folk gather such a wonderful welcoming present for me. And here I was afraid that we wouldn't get along! Do stop by so I can thank you properly for your thoughtfulness.
Felicia of the Flames
Archwitch of The Burned Caverns
Under Shatterplume Volcano
Upset would be to Praxiteles feelings at that moment what 'moist' would be to a sponge in the ocean. Outraged, incensed, flabbergasted and furious all come far closer, but still fail to capture the spirit of the moment. Needless to say, Praxiteles had no intention of sharing any of his tribute with anyone. And besides that, he had no knowledge of a witch, wizard, sorcerer, illusionist, magician, or even fortune teller throughout the entirety of Trinobel, and that was precisely the way he liked it! Whoever this woman, this 'Felicia of the Flames' was, she would pay with her blood!
How is it then that the mis-taking of a cranky wizard's tribute, would lead to a truly magical romance? Pick up your copy of the Old Wizard Finds a New Love today!
About You
Well, maybe not really 'about you' so much as 'about what I'd like you to do'! Please have a look at the map I've attached and let me know what you think. Any feedback would be appreciated, as I've never done this (posted a map) on here before. Criticism is certainly welcome and appreciated, as I'm sure that's probably the only way I'll improve in any significant way.
In case you're interested, I used GIMP to make everything on this map. It's my software of choice. Initially, because it was the right price (free!), but I've really come to like it!
Alright, that's enough from me! Hope to hear from you soon!
CG_MayJune2016_Lite (Final).png