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Thread: First Map Kingdom of Adana

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  1. #1

    Map First Map Kingdom of Adana

    Kingdom Map.png

    This is my first map I've ever made, I spent the last 8 or 9 hours following a tut from here. One thing I'm having trouble with though is the river coloring in, I can't figure out how to shade it like the rest of the map, like the forests and mountains. I also don't know how to remove the few lines that are in my sea, they are just kinda there. Any help to give me ideas to remove these would be wonderful! Thanks for taking a look at my first map!

    P.S Is there a tut someone can link me to on how to make a sci-fi project type map of say a planet?
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    Last edited by Zslone2; 08-29-2016 at 12:30 AM. Reason: Misupload

  2. #2
    Guild Expert
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    Jan 2016


    Hi Zslone2, I don’t think the problem with you’re rivers is shading, they just don’t match the rest of the symbols, if it were me I’d make them black like the rest of you’re symbols, and maybe slim them out a bit.

    You’re trees seem to have a white background, I don’t know if this is intentional but I find it odd with the texture background. I don’t know what programme you’re using, but in Photoshop, and probably Gimp setting the blend mode of you’re tree layers to multiply should remove the white, and just leave the black lines.

    What caused the lines in the sea that you want to remove? If they are symply part of the background texture you’ve chosen, then they can be easily removed...Again depending on what programme you’re using, but in Photoshop or Gimp just run the healing brush over them, I find it works quite well on things like this, also you could try using the clone tool, it would also do the trick, I think it’s a pretty simple fix, it just might take some time to go over all the lines.

    I hope I don’t insult you, if I do that’s not my intention, but you’re mountains above all really need some work, I find I can hardly see them, they just look like a black blob, and the text you’ve placed on them is not readable at all. If you want to be able to see the text then making it a different colour from the black mountains could make it more visible. I really like the names you’ve chosen on the rest of the map, I just wish I could see the mountain label.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    What caused the lines in the sea that you want to remove? If they are symply part of the background texture you’ve chosen, then they can be easily removed...Again depending on what programme you’re using, but in Photoshop or Gimp just run the healing brush over them, I find it works quite well on things like this, also you could try using the clone tool, it would also do the trick, I think it’s a pretty simple fix, it just might take some time to go over all the lines.
    I don't know what caused those lines, they just showed up when I made the sea have a color. I'm using GIMP by the way. Thank you for the criticism! I don't take offense to something that I'm still learning. Thank you for the help on clearing the lines up, they bother me so damn much.

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    They look like stray lines that were painted in with a mouse when the background had a clear mask so that they didnt show up then when you layer up colour the colour sits behind it. A way I think you might be able to remove them is if the images has been flattened so that you cant go back and edit the layer then use a selection brush that is non rectangular - a lassoo. Set it up so that it has some feather to the selection then select a good bit of sea and paste it over the issue areas. Not sire what else to suggest.

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