Hi again, folks! After all the work I did on my Zasháve map, and the 3D model I used it on (see that map's Finished Map thread for more info), I decided to map the rest of the planet Zasháve is on, Askath. My first attempt at a whole-planet map left something to be desired, so I've decided to map each individual continent and combine these maps into a single world map. So far, I've made enough progress to show two WIP continent maps:
ahsam_wip01.jpg matlas_wip01.jpg
One significant problem that has arisen has to do with changing map projections. While I drew the original world map in equirectangular for use in Blender, I reprojected each individual continent to a conformal projection (stereographic or Lambert conformal conic, depending on the continent's shape and size) in G.Projector to minimize shape distortion. This step was especially important in preparing my basic maps for refinement in Wilbur. However, reprojecting the finished maps back to equirectangular has been harder to get right than I expected. I've been using ReprojectImage to reverse my original projections, but even with all the parameters I used to generate my projections written down, reproducing the original equirectangular maps has been a matter of trial and error - mostly error. I have yet to succeed at getting my reprojected continents to exactly match their original shapes, which, as you might expect, gets kind of frustrating at times. Any advice on how to solve this issue would be very welcome.
A related question has to do with adding bits of Zasháve to the areas of the new maps where they belong, in the same projection as the rest of the map. I can reproject my existing equirectangular version of the continent easily enough, but the limited size of map outputs from ReprojectImage means that reprojecting the finished version of Zasháve would result in a massive loss of detail and quality. A version of ReprojectImage which can output maps larger than 4096x2048 would be ideal, as I could then use my full-size map with minimal loss of quality. However, any new version of that program would have to be able to save maps up to 16,384px wide to meet my needs, and I'm not sure how feasible that would be with its existing code base. If there are any other options that would do what I'm looking for, I'm all ears.
Well, that was a lot of reading. Kudos to you if you read through all of that text. C&C on anything is welcome, even if it isn't what I rambled on about. Thanks for stopping by!