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Thread: Got a Home for my Oct Challenge Entry

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  1. #1

    Default Got a Home for my Oct Challenge Entry

    If you'll recall this past October Monthly Map Challenge, I created a Vampiric Bio-Hybrid Star Ship deck plan as my entry. Although I designed it specifically to meet the challenge requirements of theme of vampires, I also had in mind a project that was started this past summer. Trevor H. Gulliver was author and designer of all of Rite Publishing's #30 Haunts supplements, including one he worked on with me called #30 Haunts for Kaidan. Although known for his award-winning game design, Trevor hadn't published any full adventures, though due to the nature of #30 Haunts for Kaidan, the back stories involved made inter-connected haunts into almost extended encounters if not one-shot modules (9 in total) in that supplement. One of the glowing reviewers, stated he couldn't wait to see Trevor create a full module. Well that was 4 years ago.

    Because I self publish my own map products and deck plans under Gamer Printshop, Trevor approached me this summer about doing a series of three one-shot modules called Dead in Space that would feature maps I've already published, plus a few specific new ones just for the project, all pertaining to undead and Gothic horror themes, for a Pathfinder RPG in Space concept (or Starfinder if that get's released on or near the release of our product). Trevor has already completed the first one-shot module, insuring to include new sci-fi weapons and equipment. For the second one-shot module (and these are inter-related modules intended to be able to be used together as one full larger adventure) involving a prison barge which already designed deck plans for, with inmates in cold sleep. Trevor was contemplating an alien infestation of the inmates, or a Doctor Moreau story, but opted instead to go "space vampires". He contacted me last night to tell me his progress so far, and his intent on the second module.

    Even though I am mapping and publishing this series myself, in reality, this is Trevor's project, so I would normally create only what he requests, and then continue to create various sci-fi themed maps and deck plans on my own, that he may or may not use, based on his ideas. When I designed the vampiric bio-hybrid ship, our project was in mind, but I didn't want to force the idea on him, so I just did it for the Halloween challenge. However, since Trevor mentioned his next module will include space vampires, I sent him a complimentary copy of my published deck plan and he's definitely going to use it - which makes me very excited!

    Because Trevor is a busy Toronto based college professor, the project is taking a bit longer than I expected, but that's okay, there is no defined deadline, again, it's his project, not mine per se.

    But I am excited that he'll be using my October entry for the next module.


    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 12-13-2016 at 12:48 AM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #2


    Looking at possible trade dress for the Dead in Space project cover design (first draft). The empty white center will contain a cover illustration, which I am currently sourcing out artists and rates. I'm looking to use a pencil b/w illustration by an amazing artist - if I can afford him. Critiques?


    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 12-13-2016 at 04:46 AM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  3. #3
    Banned User
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    Dec 2016


    I realize it's not the best thing to say, but I just have to ask: wasn't it inspired by "Farscape"? This is exactly the layout of the ship I imagined in this series.

  4. #4


    Honestly, no. The fact that they are both bio-hybrid is the only real link. Having watched Farscape, I never really got a sense of that ship's interior layout from the show, whether there were multiple decks or just one deck with separate areas. To me Moya is like 3 or 4 times the size of this ship. The bridge, to me, looks nothing like Moya's bridge, the veiny floors is complete invention on my part (no veiny floors on Moya, as far as I can tell). Moya's crew quarters seemed octagonal and much larger than mine with cage like walls and nothing like that in this map. So are there similarities, especially those attached armatures on the rear of the ship? In retrospect, maybe a little, but it's not really close otherwise. I created the hull last, working one chamber and one floor at a time, and again I wasn't even influenced by Farscape for this (I didn't even really like that show myself, only watching a half dozen episodes - Pilot and the muppet guy really turned me off on the show; I'm not judging its quality, it just wasn't my thing). Nothing on Moya seemed biological at all, looking all standard sci-fi tech. My ship is like being inside an animal - completely different concept if you ask me (the elevator is an esophagus). In my mind, the answer is no, but I cannot see your own perspective. In the end, though, who cares - it's just a alien deck plan and little more, with a very original vampire connection with a once living ship now a master vampire - I don't know any sci-fi ship with that theme.

    I think some of the ship's interior might have gotten some Stargate Atlantis Wraith ship decor ideas, though.

    The final product will include at least 6 different star ship deck plans of varying size and purpose, there will be a star map, and two alien planet maps. So this is just one deck plan with a small part in one one-shot module.

    Look at my map challenge thread as I designed this and see for yourself, the design process and thoughts behind it as I was making it - HERE.


    Edit: Here are other star ship/station designs of mine that will also be included in the final product...

    hell-station-01.jpgjersey-hull-and-top-deck.jpgsakura-main-deck.jpgthunderbird-class-600-ton-heavy corsair.jpgcoyote-class-50-ton-boarding-cutter.png
    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 12-15-2016 at 04:12 AM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

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