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Thread: 02 - Winden Gardens [GLS]

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  1. #1
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    Default 02 - Winden Gardens [GLS]

    Firstly, greetings to my neighbourinos: Mouse, Tonnichiwa, J.Edward, Josiah, Meshon, and Person No. 25 and No. 24 (who shall forever be known by those numbers). If any of you want to discuss anything, just PM me or post on here or whatever you want to do to get things sorted, though some of you have already got a fair way in and likely more will have done by the time I get a proper start.

    So basically, this post is just staking my piece of ground and allowing for it to grow and thrive in good time.

    My section is fairly close to the castle and being such is one of the most cared for part of the city. It once was a location of much farming and agricultural work, but the land could not recover, so it was just left. In this time, other areas began to take over its role as an agricultural land. Slowly, but surely life returned to the land and it soon become a favourite place for a stroll near the castle with it's areas of woodland and green fields.

    A number of buildings and little hamlets reside here amongst the sections of walled garden and woodland, including some largely retired windmills at it's higher southern end, who sails still turn when the wind is blowing the right direction.

    With views of the grand castle and waterfall to it's east and the great compass rose and arena to the northwest, this idyllic spot will not have room for long, so to ensure your spot make your reservation today.

    (BTW if any of that sounds implausible due to the climate or what not just let me knwo and I'll tweak it. Also, I need to find that basic heigh breakdown John posted somewhere, so if anyone can point me to it that would be great. )

  2. #2


    Hey GLS

    Welcome neighbour, and as I've already said on my thread - you prune any trees that come creeping over the boundary into your domain if they're in the way

    My area is more densely populated. The only green space I've got worth speaking about is in the gardens of the well-to-do people living around the Compass Rose, and the waterfront itself, where people are want to take a stroll in the sunshine and through the trees, so maybe yours is more like a semi-protected open space? A parkland designated by the king perhaps? And people being what they are... I bet there are a few paths leading off the road that divides our properties into your area - just for picnics and whatnot

    I'll pop off now and add your plot to the hyperlinked index

    EDIT: confused about what you mean about 'basic heght breakdown' If its the rather lovely drawing John did of several cross sections of the geomorphology of the limestone beds around the lakes, then I copied it into the FAQ thread, which you can get to at any time by clicking the link in my signature.
    Last edited by Mouse; 01-11-2017 at 08:01 AM.

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    South West England


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Hey GLS

    Welcome neighbour, and as I've already said on my thread - you prune any trees that come creeping over the boundary into your domain if they're in the way

    My area is more densely populated. The only green space I've got worth speaking about is in the gardens of the well-to-do people living around the Compass Rose, and the waterfront itself, where people are want to take a stroll in the sunshine and through the trees, so maybe yours is more like a semi-protected open space? A parkland designated by the king perhaps? And people being what they are... I bet there are a few paths leading off the road that divides our properties into your area - just for picnics and whatnot

    I'll pop off now and add your plot to the hyperlinked index

    EDIT: confused about what you mean about 'basic heght breakdown' If its the rather lovely drawing John did of several cross sections of the geomorphology of the limestone beds around the lakes, then I copied it into the FAQ thread, which you can get to at any time by clicking the link in my signature.
    Thanks Mouse, and yep, more protected green is more along the lines of what I was think, hence why though there will be a few buildings, they'll largely be confined to little hamlets. Doesn't mean there won't be other architecture like walls and little bridge and what not. Either way it means the pressure to match up to John's houses is slightly less.

    That's a really great idea of hyperlinking the FAQ to your sig by the way. But no, that lovely drawing isn't the basic height thingy I meant, and I didn't mean "basic" in a derogatory way. Essentially, what it is is the main map but simply labelled with different heights (h1-h5 I believe) and I know my section goes through a couple, that's why I wanted to see it.

  4. #4


    I must have missed that map somewhere along the way! I'll have a look for it when I get back from my appointment.

    I think It's a lovely idea - somewhere for my orphans to go racing off across the land to play...

  5. #5


    Oh, you mean the second water flow image I did.
    I should put that and the sample building image over in the Index, maybe.
    I like that there will be some garden spots around. I made my section a bit dense and didn't have much to spare for trees this time.

  6. #6
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Tonnichiwa's Avatar
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    Hi GLS, Glad to see you've staked out a parcel. The garden sounds like a grand idea. I'm sure the Royalty of the city will often stroll around in there, shooing away the orphan's of course. You know how the Royalty are.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    Yep, that's the one! Thanks, John!

    I know it's only a simple addition to your base map, but those height details just help me visualise it a lot better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
    Hi GLS, Glad to see you've staked out a parcel. The garden sounds like a grand idea. I'm sure the Royalty of the city will often stroll around in there, shooing away the orphan's of course. You know how the Royalty are.
    Haha, indeed Tonnichiwa. Though the garden itself is of course free for any to wander around - just at risk of being there at the same time as the monarchy.

  8. #8


    My orphans wouldn't hurt a fly....

  9. #9


    GLS - I've been thinking about how CC3 maps tend to be more brightly coloured than PS maps because of our different methods. I'm looking around at the PS maps we've got going here already, and I'm thinking you might appreciate it a little if I were to tone down my colours a bit - if you would prefer to work in a more neutral colour palette - so the join doesn't jar quite so much. It might also help my other neighbours (when I get some... and in fact I'm beginning to think my bright colours might actually be putting people off taking up those particular plots! LOL!)

    Tell me what you would like, and it shall be done

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