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Thread: Question defining climate type...

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  1. #1

    Help Question defining climate type...

    So I used a program to generate this map and it seems to have fairly accurate climate zones from what I can tell, but there are areas that I can't figure out what climate they are...

    So can you guys look at this and tell me what you think the climates of the areas the numbers are in are of these types; Mountains, Hills, forrest, Steppes/Plains, ocean, desert Swamp.

    Also a number 8 would be that area beneath number 7 that seems to be partially yellow partially green...
    Number 9 would be the area south of number 3 that seems to be too dark to be a desert but too light to be the same as 4

    The placement of this continent is that the southern tip is just above the equator and the top is at roughly 65 degrees


    My thinking is currently...
    1. I have no clue!
    2. Hills maybe?
    3. steppes.
    4. hills, steppes, or desert?
    5. Forest.
    6. Swamp/wetland?
    7. ??? Tundra?
    8. steppes
    9. Desert

  2. #2
    Guild Member Facebook Connected woodb3kmaster's Avatar
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    It might help if you told us which program you used to generate your climate map, since it appears to have used a predefined set of colors. If you can share a link to said program, even better. That way, we can take a look for ourselves and see what colors it maps to which climates.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by woodb3kmaster View Post
    It might help if you told us which program you used to generate your climate map, since it appears to have used a predefined set of colors. If you can share a link to said program, even better. That way, we can take a look for ourselves and see what colors it maps to which climates.
    It's the program called world builder demo version 0.2.2
    There is a link to a download of it on that page
    Last edited by Durakken; 02-02-2017 at 12:36 PM.

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