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  1. #1
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected strokes's Avatar
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    Map Witten Asylum

    Another map I made with CC3, the ground level of Witten Asylum and its surrounding streets and alleys.

    Located in a large city, the asylum is a formidable structure in its own right.
    Standing three stories high and built like a s*&% brickhouse, no windows are visible, and the only entrance appears to be through a wrought iron gate, which is guarded by two men. The reception room, is guarded by a 'Mr. Strogg' and his rottweilers. A simple mace leans against the wall behind his desk for all visitors to plainly see. Positively no weapons are allowed in the asylum, other than the ones carried by the guard staff who patrol the ground floor regularly. Weapons are to be left with 'Mr. Strogg' who will place them in a locker located in the reception room.

    Not all the asylum's patients are mad, some have been admitted for unacceptable social behaviors, yet others have been admitted for lack of room in the cities gaols.

    There's more than one way to enter the asylum other than its front door. Adventuring party's looking for a covert method of entering the asylum should look to the sewers below and come up through one of the hospitals many privy's or try the trapdoor in the pantry.
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  2. #2
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    Nicely done, Strokes.
    What happened in the big room, is that blood on the floor? Are you going to map the other levels as well?
    Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.

    Gandwarf has fallen into shadow...

  3. #3
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected strokes's Avatar
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    The big room is the Asylum's ER. An unstable patient tried to take her own life and the doctor on staff, a cleric of the deity of the dead, is trying to patch her up. In the adventure I ran with this map, the adventuring party entered this room seeing all the blood , the patient laying in a bed, and the priest standing over her with some sharp instruments in hand. The adventuring party not realizing that the priest was trying to help the patient, immediately took her out.

    This map was for an adventure I ran some time ago and I have all the levels mapped. I think in the upper levels I stopped placing torch sconces on the walls, finding it easier to add them as objects in MT with the correct light settings.

    BTW, this map works great in MT with the topology effects. With all the iron bars, the long halls, and numerous corners casting shadows, there's plenty of non visible areas to make an adventuring party really cautious.
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  4. #4
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected strokes's Avatar
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    LOL, just found out how to do multiple uploads. Here's the remaining levels. I haven't looked at theses maps in long time. I'm seeing a ton of edits I would make on all these maps.

    On the first level I would add some shadows to the flora in the front yard, and also add some glows to the road and sidewalk to make the side walk appear at a higher level than the road.

    Apparently, the second level is the DMs version on the map, I have it marked as a battle map and as you can see it's keyed and the secret doors are visible.

    On all the maps I would place the grid under the walls and furniture. Just a style thing I'm starting to do with my maps, trying to give my players some clue as to the different terrain types they may be facing as per the 4e ruleset. If you can see the grid, your not going to be suffering movement penalty.
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    Last edited by strokes; 12-19-2008 at 04:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    Very cool maps, Strokes. You used a lot of different textures. Tried to rep, but apparently I need to spread around some more before I can do that.

    The only thing that looks a bit weird to me are the bundles in the right big room on the top level. Everything is a bit blurred and those pink bundles aren't I think. Did you do that on purpose?
    (the symbols don't belong to the same group you used to decorate most of the rooms I think, they have a different style, which is also making them stand out for me).
    Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.

    Gandwarf has fallen into shadow...

  6. #6
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected strokes's Avatar
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    Thanks for pointing out the pink bundles. They are supposed to represent heaps of clothing. The asylum had been taken over by some mind flayers, and they had locked up the head doctor in his quarters. He hasn't left his quarters in a few years, hence the heaps of clothing.

    I wasn't very happy with the way this looked when I placed them there. The images I used were just something I had on hand in which I hastily placed to run the game with this map. I purposely place them their not for aesthetics, but to represent a terrain type for the 4e game.

    Something I'm starting to do, is to place these sort of things on the map in MT as movable objects. I would do this same thing with the blood on the ground level floor map also.

  7. #7
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strokes View Post
    There's more than one way to enter the asylum other than its front door. Adventuring party's looking for a covert method of entering the asylum should look to the sewers below and come up through one of the hospitals many privy's or try the trapdoor in the pantry.
    EWWWWW... thats just gross!!!

    Nice map btw..
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  8. #8
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Cool stuff strokes, and nice back story behind the maps.
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  9. #9
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected strokes's Avatar
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    Thanks, although I can't take credit for the backstory, its from a 3e module called 'Where Madness dwells' published by The Inner Circle. Check it out if you get the chance, its pretty cool.

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