Has anyone played with HME (Height Map Editor)?
I was googling around for some height map generators and found it. I don't remember seeing any info related to it on these forums.
Has anyone played with HME (Height Map Editor)?
I was googling around for some height map generators and found it. I don't remember seeing any info related to it on these forums.
Another is World Machine.
I'd never seen HME, but I was aware of World Machine. You might also look into Wilbur if you haven't seen that one already.
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
Thanx. HME seems promising for me at the moment. Just I think it miss some errode and fractalize functions like in FM or Wilbour but maybe it is good for get first high field maps for later use :-)
I am new in this aria so be a nice guide
I haven't played with HME. Theres quite a few height map editors about. WorldMachine has good erosion then there is GeoControl, GlobalMapper, Leveller, L3DT etc or you can create them from GIS apps or even imaging tools like ImageMagick which has 16bit PNG support.
...but I was just here to say welcome Black Tower and post an intro and any map pics you have.
Yeah I toke a look on a few before... It seems to complicated to set them up in the way I like ... more or less.
I have a detailed coast line and the lines of the mountain rows, and some big or important rivers as well as some final "high" positions. I need/could make them in different layers from which the rest may get fractal calculated.
But I need to find peace to make my hand drawn 1 yard long map of the main continent to digital form first :-)
..yeah I didn't wrote an introduction yet. I need some offline time to write a good one... will come in a few days ;-) And thx4welcome
I am new in this aria so be a nice guide