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Thread: First map (work in progress)

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  1. #1

    Wip First map (work in progress)

    Hi, I'm making a map for a fantasy story I'm writing, but I'm knew to this thing and it'd be nice to have some tips and criticisms on my work.
    I used Adobe Illustrator to make the land, so if I need to resize it won't loose quality. For the waves I used photoshop (I followed a tutorial I here in the forum). So here it is:
    What do you guys think of it? Any tips?
    It's on the beginning of the work, I have to add mountains, rivers and cities yet.

  2. #2


    Good outline. I have no tips regarding the land shape. Keep us updated.
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  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Bem vindo, João
    (pelo teu nickname, suponho que fales português..)

    No problem at all with the land shape. That's the easiest part.

    Regarding tips, here's something to consider right away: decide the size and placement of this continent. To do this, an easy way is to save the image in a smaller file (just for this purpose, don't loose the original), and make it an overlay in Google Earth.
    Once you have that, you can calculate distances accurately and get a better overall idea of size/scale of your "world". It also makes it easier to read latitude/longitude and to figure out rough aproximations for climate.

  4. #4


    Thanks Pixie!

    E sim, falo português, sou brasileiro!

  5. #5


    Thanks, I'll keep you up you updated and thanks for the tips. Since it's the first map I'm making, I've done more than one land shape, so I'm still deciding which one I'm using. I'll post in the forum when I come to a final decision. Thanks!

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