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Thread: Arda Quain - The Underworld

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  1. #1

    Default Arda Quain - The Underworld

    Hey here !

    I didn't noticed yet that it exists a specific section for subterranean maps. So I put one of those in an unappropriate thread.
    But it doesn't matter, here I am. By the way here's the initial thread with the overhead map of the continent : Arda Quain realms

    I wanted to draw the map of the underground of my RPG univers. As I already said at the wrong place, I failed to find large scaled maps of undergrounds, except the Underdark map from the Forgotten Realms (D&D3) that I find really bad. All I can find still little caves network maps and so on.
    Nevermind, I started such a map without any example of what I was looking for and I came up with this, that I started to darken the walls and pillars with a black colored pencil :

    The work is in progress. It's a shame that the scan decreases the quality of the colors (as usual), but I think I didn't scaned it the right way (with the device I use, I should probably make a high-res copy of the document and then scan the copy, it often gives a beter contrast without removing any detail).

    Anyway I'll update it when I have it completely blackened.

    In the meanwhile if some of you have examples of such large scaled underground maps, I'd appreciate the share

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan damonjynx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney, Australia


    Wow. That's pretty good!
    Glory is the reward of valour.

    My blog at:

    Finished Maps

  3. #3


    Here's an update.

    There's 3 levels of depth, with the higher the brighter. Different creatures and species live in the different levels, sometimes in the biggest caves, in an other hand some live in very small areas, even just in one underground town (an anciant and lost civilization in particular which is called "Arehlven", mastering a special form of magic). The most abundant population is obviously the dark elves, but many spread cities of grey dwarves defend hard themselves also.

    I added subterranean seas and lakes, hidding underwater Abboleth cities for those who know D&D. These creatures are among the most intelligent but are deeply evil, and they might eventually control some places, even outside the underworld, by mental abilities and corruption.


    I have to go on with a new dark layer, I'm aware we can see the black pen lines I did to colorize the map. It'll be easy to correct, no big deal here.
    Last edited by Veldrin; 07-18-2017 at 05:26 AM.

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