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Thread: First Attempt

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  1. #1

    Wip First Attempt

    Okay i posted this in another thread but now im going to attempt to refine this map and make it better. Its my first time ever drawing a map and first time using photoshop since gradeschool so its been awhile. This was my first attempt that i finished and gave to the players in my campaign but am going to try and reform it. So send your critiques and advice my way! Im really bad at drawing so i try to stick with simple shapes that still get the point across well. Attached is the sketch as well as the photoshop worked version.
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  2. #2


    This is a nice map - I enjoyed looking at it. I am by no means an expert, but there are a few things which caught my eye (of course these are just based on my own tastes, so feel free to ignore...)

    The Veins rivers seem quite big (which is probably intentional), but it might look more pleasing if they are tapered off a bit more towards the Bog?
    I think the mountains might look better if the 'slopes' were also shaded a bit more - the difference between the very thick ridge line and the fainter lines is quite stark.

  3. #3

    Wip Update

    I know the font is a bit hard to read currently but thats because i plan to add color to the map which will make things alot easier to read. I plan on adding color and new linework to all the cities like i did with nightwood as well as redoing the veins and shading in the mountains. But this is what ive gotten accomplished today.
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  4. #4

    Wip Update so far!

    im working on mountain coloring as well as coloring all the cities and locations, ive added a bit of textures. Working on redoing the veins thats why they were removed. Also, going to try and color coat all the areas. Let me know what you guys think so far!
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  5. #5
    Guild Apprentice
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    Jun 2012


    I agree with davoush, its a promising start!
    For the mountains to be more recognisable as mountainranges, try to put several layers of mountains there: some less tall ones, maybe even hills on the edge and then gradually get bigger with them.

    looking forward to how your map evolves!

  6. #6

    Wip Update

    Havent had much time to work on it but i did some slight shading changes as well as added the veins.
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  7. #7


    Also something ive been stuggling on is coloring each zone to match the overall landscape for that area. like havenwood being a foresty green and golden fields being a goldish brown color etc. Any advice on ways to color areas and make them look nice?

  8. #8

    Default Last update of the night

    Alright guys, scrapped all my cities completely and am working on a new style, added strokes to outline the city and area names. Just working on finishing the cities, polishing a few more things and adding a bit more color and i think my first ever map will be done! Thanks for the help!
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  9. #9
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected Scelus Sceleris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by TheBeginningEnd View Post
    Also something ive been stuggling on is coloring each zone to match the overall landscape for that area. like havenwood being a foresty green and golden fields being a goldish brown color etc. Any advice on ways to color areas and make them look nice?
    Here are some thumbnails from a coloured map of mine. The quality isn't very good but at least you can make a palette from them if you want. I'll include the map incase you wanted to recycle it.

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    Last edited by Scelus Sceleris; 07-07-2017 at 03:28 AM.

  10. #10

    These are the images i used to help shape the cities. Got to give credit where credit is due.

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