Whenever I post threads they always show up in activity stream and never in new posts am I doing something wrong. Also is no one viewing my posts or is something wrong because it takes hours before I can see how many view my thread has.
Whenever I post threads they always show up in activity stream and never in new posts am I doing something wrong. Also is no one viewing my posts or is something wrong because it takes hours before I can see how many view my thread has.
Hello Creativetides
I don't think there is anything wrong. If you post a visitor message it doesn't show up anywhere other than in the Activity Stream, which is the thing you have taken a screen shot of there. The same is true of uploading images to albums. They don't show in the new posts either.
Pay no attention to the visit count. It includes all the web bots we have roaming around the site, and there are often many more of them than there are of us at any one time!
No one is ignoring you or anything
This is the weekend, and its summer
You also just happen to have started your membership at a time when the most talkative and involved members of the forum are rather busy trying to finish their Lite Challenge in the next 5 hours (that's where I am right now until the threads are closed), or are equally busy trying to create a map entry to the Main Challenge - itself one of the most popular challenges ever, with what looks to be a record number of entries even in its early stages.
I would give you links to both these events, but I've really already spent too much time away from my LC entry writing this much. both challenges can be found in the Community Participation forum, and are free for all to enter - including yourself if you wish
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No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Hey Creativetides, just FYI 'New Posts' shows threads with posts that you haven't viewed, rather than any old posts that were made recently. Obviously you've already viewed a thread that you started, so it won't show up as new for you, though it would for other people. Once someone comments, the thread will appear in your New Posts again, because it contains an unread comment.
I agree with Mouse that the visit count doesn't mean too much. There are a lot of bots and guest visitors to the forum. If your thread's taking a while to show any views at all, it might be because the update script is set to only run every so often, to save server resources. I'm not certain about the setup for visitor counts, but there are other scripts that only run once an hour (or less frequently), so it might be the same for that too.
Sometimes the best way to get feedback is to ask specific questions, so that people have an idea on the sort of advice you're looking for. So instead of saying "What do you think of my map?' maybe something like 'How can I improve X or Y' or something along those lines.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"