Hello all,
I am working on designing a new fantasy-realm board game with a partner, with the intent of creating a kickstarter campaign and producing the game en mass for distribution (hopefully generating buzz with the kickstarter and going from there). We are working on commissioning an artist to design the character cards already, and I am considering commissioning a second artist (specialized in cartography!) for the game board using the cartographer's guild. I am wondering about typical pricing for a commission for a job like this, so any estimates/help would be appreciated.
We would at the very least be asking for *exclusive* reproductive rights of the map/game board permanently, and would probably be fine letting the artist keep the copyright (although interested to know how much more $$$ it would be to have an artist). We'd therefore give the artist credit on the game board and allow them to use the map in their portfolios, but otherwise be unable to use/sell the art for any other reasons. If the game is a success, there is the potential for future work in the form of expansions.
I was able to find a lot of great information on the site about copywright and what to ask for/ etc, but was not able to find details/ranges on actual typical pricing to see if this is something we could consider, other than that a request like this should definitely be offering a commission of some sort. If I've missed that information somewhere, I apologize! But info on the usual range of commissions would be helpful (i.e. - what are the higher and lower end of costs for a commission like this, and what kind of experience/quality level would those ranges get me).
Thanks everyone, the maps are beautiful and I hope to be working with one of you soon on this awesome new game (I have a lot of faith in being an actual success)!