Okay everybody, we are going to do a two month long challenge! The idea is courtesy of Straf, who suggested that we run a Challenge where we combine themes from Challenges past. Here's the way it will work:
--Below, you'll find two lists, the first made up of 12 Regular Challenges from years past, and the second list made up of 6 Lite Challenges.
--Pick TWO Regular Challenges and ONE Lite Challenge. What you pick is entirely up to you, as long as you choose 2 Regular and 1 Lite.
--Combine your three picks to create a map. How you combine them and what type of map you end up with is entirely up to you, BUT where the "challenge" part of the Challenge comes in is that you must follow all of the guidelines that were laid down in the original Challenges.
--Choose wisely!
An Invitation to Remember
Urban Mapping
Lost in Space
A Political Map
Filling a Gap in Time and Space
In the Beginning: A Campaign Starter
Local Map
Map a Mountain Location
Gothic Horror
Turning It on Its Side
The Waste Land
Fun With Isometrics
A Garden
Built on a Word
As always:
1) Title your entry threads like this: August/September 2017 Challenge: << your title >>
2) Don't forget to use the ### Latest WIP ### hashtag before each of your work-in-progress pictures
As stated, this mega-challenge will run TWO months, not one, ending at around 9PM Pacific time on Saturday, 30 September.
The winner this time around wins a twice-as-thick Golden Compass, the cheers and adulation of the Guild, and a cyberhug from me. Or a cyberhandshake, if a hug is too creepy.
Special Note:
A HUGE thanks is due to ChickPea, who did the heavy lifting of compiling a kick-butt spreadsheet master list of challenges. This Guild would be far poorer without you!