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Thread: Wall Placement? (Very, VERY new to this...)

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    Default Wall Placement? (Very, VERY new to this...)

    So, I've used a few free web-based services to build maps in the past, and recently I moved to MapTool. I have downloaded a ton of images available under the Creative Commons, and have been doing some fiddling around trying to get oriented with the software.

    When I first tried to place a wall over a floor tile I had laid down, I was surprised that it was in the middle of the tile. I thought I'd got a bad batch of images, and so I went to a different one. Sure enough, middle of the tile. Same with all the rest. I tried with a different floor tile, too. Same thing.

    Is there a reason for this? I want my walls to be on the edges of my floor tiles, not in the middle. What is it that I am expected to do that I clearly am not doing?

    Thank you!

    edit: Pic related

    D&D-mapping-wall in middle.jpg
    Last edited by Deimos; 10-20-2017 at 03:24 PM.

  2. #2


    So, after playing around with it all day yesterday and finally finding a tutorial where I happened to see someone do this (but still not actually saying anything about it), I have deduced what the problem was.

    I was working in the background layer. I had to drop the wall in the object layer and then I could resize and reorient the wall as necessary.

    Posting this not because I received any help from anyone, but so that anyone Googling "Why do my walls appear in the middle of the square in MapTools" like I did will be able to find this. Once you put it in the object layer, you can manipulate it. You're welcome.

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