Hello wonderful mapmakers!
I have been a 'guest' lurker for a while now and only just joined in hopes of learning from the greats and trying some work of my own. The project I've started is a map for a fantasy world of my creation, currently named Nossin.
I find that I prefer to work on my worldbuilding or map-making from the top-down, but this is the first time I've begun all the way back at plate tectonics. Having read through several articles and tutorials (both on here and otherwise), I feel I have a rough grasp of how it's supposed to work but I'm very much new to this and any advice or critique would be welcome! My areas of expertise lie mainly in the fields of linguistics and character creation - far, far away from geology and the like.
I sketched out the rough shape of where I would like my continents to be and broke the world up into plates. The direction of the plates' rotation was influenced a lot by where I would eventually like to have mountain ranges.
For CG.png
Quick Key for plate boundaries: Blue = Convergent, Green = Divergent, Orange = Transform
The numbers represent the speed of the plates, on a scale of 1-5 (with 5 being fastest). I used these because I was unsure of what happened when a plate moving north, for example, bordered a plate moving west. They're not colliding, they're not moving apart, they're not sliding against one another... so I just pretended the slower plate was stationary for this plate map and chose interactions based on the faster plate's movement.
I know the arrows in the polar regions look funky, but I'm pretty sure that when I transfer this equirectanglar image to a globe like on Google Earth, the polar plate arrows are all pointing the same direction. It's hard to tell with the distortion.
Please let me know what you think.Here's hoping I'm not completely off!