I decided to put my meager skills into the mix of fine maps for this months challenge.
I'm going to create a 36" x 24" "Old-School" Styled map for a world I'm calling Graelor (just because that is the name that came to mind)
I'm going to incorporate some of the techniques I used in my Kingdom map and some of the results from the poll I posted in the regional mapping area with my question regarding forest styles.
My first step was to create the continental land masses.
I selected a small area, used a Clouds filter and then sized it up to almost the full size of the map.
I then adjusted the brightness and the threshold to create the landmasses.
I used this as a base level to create a white filled batch of landmasses that I put a stroke and a very small inner glow on.
I used the offset with wrap to make the left and right sides actually wrap around. Didn't worry about the top and bottom, I don't want to show the entire polar regions of the world.
These images are all sized down to 3600 x 2400 at 300 dpi. The working image is actually 300 dpi and 36" x 24" (10,800 x 7,200)