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Thread: How do I get good looking grass and greenery on my map?

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  1. #1

    Question How do I get good looking grass and greenery on my map?

    So I've been making a town map for a D&D adventure in GIMP, and I got pretty far with your guys' advice on buildings and road laying, but I just cant get the grassy areas in the town to look like anything but a uniform green blob.

  2. #2


    The answer is going to be a really big "it depends". What style have you been doing the buildings and everything else in? If you show us that then someone can probably do a better join of pointing you in the right direction for grass that fits that style.

  3. #3


    Hi MisterBones

    You might find this thread has a few handy tips for this, but like QED says, its very difficult to know what to suggest if we can't see the map

  4. #4



    Here's a pic of what I've got so far, havent been able to get the buildings colored yet. I heavily favored simplicity and just trying to get it done, since this is my first map I've made like ever.

  5. #5


    It's off this site but there is a great tutorial here you might find useful for the style you are going for

  6. #6


    Thanks a ton man. After going through that thread Mouse posted, I got a good idea on how to do it using layers of blended colors, but this is also really awesome. You were both super helpful.

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