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Thread: Unnamed City - Let me know what you think!

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice
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    North Carolina, USA

    Wip Unnamed City - Let me know what you think!

    Hi all. So if you read my advice for a beginner thread, you might be somewhat familiar with my map already. After some great advice, I wanted to post an udate on my map which I think is coming along nicely.

    The city is located inside a large bay. There is a small entrance into the bay from the north vie the sea. On the Southside of the bay, there are two separate rivers which feed into the bay. Subsequently, there is a large harbor on the Northside of the city which serves as the entrance for the goods traded by sea. There is a smaller harbor on the small island to the south, where river boats dock and unload goods. There are just two entrances to the city by land: One on the east side and one on the west.

    The two small islands to the east were the first ones I completed as far as the buildings go. Currently, I want to reconfigure the street and building layout on there because it just looks too monotonous. After that, i will continue the work on the walls, which you might be able to tell are in the early stages of construction on the western and northern sides of the map. The large bare area on the western side of the main island will be a fort of some sort with a naval base. The bay on that side will serve as the training waters for the city-state's navy which is among the most formidable in the world. Thanks for any feedback provided!

    For reference in case anyone was curious, I am drawing inspiration as far as style from this map:
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    Last edited by HughVoodoo; 02-23-2018 at 12:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer darkseed2012's Avatar
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    San Francisco, CA


    I love the layout, something about your warehouse district in the shaded area doesn't fit with the rest of the map. Depending on your time period, warehouses were not so large until relatively recently, at least not until the Victorian Era and the advent of steal construction. I'm going to be watching you progress with this map. Pretty good for being an early project. I've used old maps as inspiration for my works as well.

  3. #3
    Guild Novice
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    North Carolina, USA


    So I've got an update on my map. Got some color going, and I took the recommendation to reduce the warehouse sizes. Thanks for that.

    Before I proceed any further, I wanted to get some feedback on the courtyards I've started in between the buildings. Something about them just look weird. Maybe they are just too big. Can anyone give me some recommendations there? All other critiques welcome as well.

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  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer Guild Sponsor Arkidemis's Avatar
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    I like the improvements you made and the coloring looks good so far. I agree with you on the courtyards they do feel a bit off. My first thought was that they are are all closed off and seem to be too frequent. I'm not sure if your intention is to keep them green and park-like, but i think if you spread them out and maybe made one or two a block of their own it could help.

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer darkseed2012's Avatar
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    San Francisco, CA


    The courtyards appear to be the back yards of the various properties. They are good in that point, but such open space would really only be something the wealthier residents of your city would have and the poor would only have light wells and maybe a full block for a public square. This is New York City where I would see those courtyards being deployed as they are on your map. The buildings form a ring around the edge of the block, but in the denser parts of your city where the poor live will be packed with apartment buildings that fill the width of the block and wouldn't have courtyards, or they are be too small to draw them in. This would give your city a verity across the map and show relative density and point to a downtown region of dense structures and the suburbs of lower density. You may want to think about where major buildings will be as this will reflect on the map like churches, academies and hospitals, things they would have had for the time period your city exist in. You'll have to zoom in pretty close for the buildings to show up on google maps.

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