I am wondering if someone knows how to fix the constant crashes of wilbur when I try to :
1 load a black and white image as selection load mask
2 when I do cloning ?
I am wondering if someone knows how to fix the constant crashes of wilbur when I try to :
1 load a black and white image as selection load mask
2 when I do cloning ?
This is more of a handy thing to know than a cure for anything, but I have noticed that trying to import a bmp image as a mask crashes Wilbur, even though importing a png version of the very same file is perfectly ok. Must have something to do with the way the information is stored in the two different file types
As for cloning - I haven't a clue. My PC isn't powerful enough to clone things on maps the size I prefer to work on.
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Not sure but I think bmp does not handle transparency maybe that is why it crashes?
Me too, my computer is not good enough to use Wilbur it seems. It crash too often. I learned to live without it.
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How large is the terrain you are working with? I can load BMP files as masks but the larger the dimensions of the terrain, the harder time it has. In many instances, particularly when working with larger terrains and multiple masks, I've found that I have to do things incrementally. Load one mask, do something with that mask, save, reopen, and repeat as necessary. Waldronate might have a better answer when he next swings through.
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I am loading a mdr , then I used to work fine with it, I recently got a new pc, much more powerfull , and it crashes whenever I try to use clone stamp tool ...
Then When I load a png black and white image as mask it crashes.
Actually it become totally impossible to use it and I do not understand why ... It used to work fine , now it crashes even whe I try to offset a map .
I dunno what to think but I only upgraded from a gtx980ti to an 1080ti and ram from ddr3 to ddr4 and cpu from old i7 to 8900k ... So why it is no more compatible ?
a black and white mask works just fine here using WINE on Linux
-- Wilbur 64 bit
the input image and mask
untitled1.png mask.png
and Wilbur screenshots
Screenshot_20180317_152352.png Screenshot_20180317_152421.png
the mask works for erosion ans for "fill/ find basin deltas "
Last edited by johnvanvliet; 03-17-2018 at 04:31 PM.
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Wish I could be more help. Did something change in the operating system? I know when I got my newer system I changed over to 64 bit and had a heck of a time getting Wilbur to run at first. Hopefully Waldronate will be around soon or you could maybe message him.
One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.
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Ok I just discover the reasons why crashes...
It crashes when I have PS open , despite before this wasn't happening . Any reason for this?
What OS and version (32-bit or 64-bit) are you running? What version of Wilbur and 32-bit or 64-bit? How was your problem BMP created? What are the dimensions of your map? What version of Photoshop?
Wilbur is a pretty old piece of software and may be doing some things that are no longer allowable in certain contexts. It's also based on an ancient graphics standard (OpenGL 1.5) that may be having driver problems due to no-longer-appropriate practices. If I can get an address and the circumstances for the crash, it might make it possible for me to get a fix out.
I keep meaning to update things, but two kids, two jobs, and a wife+house don't leave me with much in the way of time these days to do things that don't produce revenue.