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Thread: Feudal Wars Map - For a Boardgame

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  1. #1

    Default Feudal Wars Map - For a Boardgame

    Hello again, everyone!

    While I'm mostly developing Charta, with some friends we have several other games in the work.
    One of these, namely "Feudlings", uses both a field battle system and a management mechanics through a worker-placement phase.
    For the latter, i finally found the time to draw a quick map, to add a bit of fancyness to the prototype.


    The map will require an overlayed set of markers (for the workers), and i still am fiddling with the colours for that. I'm still putting it in this section as i believe i won't do many other changes to the map itself. A new and bigger version might be required in the future, but it's ok for now.
    That's the complete board so far. Just FYI.


    C&C welcome, looking forward to do more maps, so the more feedback the better!


  2. #2


    Nice work . Very consistent and the icons are lovely. I would just add a frame, maybe.

  3. #3


    Thank you! A frame is a good idea! I'm not sure that - as a board- it would look better with it on the table, but it probably would!

    Meanwhile, I edited it slightly and printed out a copy! Looks fancy in the flesh!


    C&C welcome!

  4. #4


    Cute map, which works really well, and looks awesome once printed !
    I would not vote for a frame, I love this "just sketched" style, but it's just a personal taste

  5. #5
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Lovely work. It looks great printed.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  6. #6


    Thanks! Much appreciated! Looking forward to produce the other parts soon too!

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