Hello fellow cartographers,
after a long pause I've got back to the map creation, this time for my brand new, home-brew DnD setting/campaign that will take place in the world, where elves are still dominant race and their magical empires and kingdoms rule the land.
I am usually striving for more "historical" look of the maps, but this time I wanted to try something different, something more lighthearted, more comics-like, more board-gamy. Also while usually I focus on "realistic" feel and accuracy, in this I tried to delve in style of old-school DnD/fantasy building - was more about creating cool places and names, to inspire player for world exploration and world building, to inspire and make them curious... in a way it was nostalgia trip back to the times when I was drawing fantasy maps as kid, as in those times I wasn't thinking about geology or climate or cultures or whatever, but it was all about placing cool stuff like "Castle of Dark Wizard" or "Magical City of Crystal Towers". Sometimes I miss those simpler time... and this map is result