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Thread: Scaling (WIP map)

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  1. #1

    Question Scaling (WIP map)

    So I am currently working on building this region of the world for my D&D group. I just finished the terrain on the map but I now need to go through and write out the history of this world before I can map any civilized areas.

    My Map

    First though I wanted to know how find the scale of the map. When I started this map. I wanted to make my life easier, so I used one of the world generators to build out the world outline for me so that way I could focus on the area that I wanted to plan out for my players. How should I do the scaling for the map I made? Should I care about the scaling compared to the world map?

    World Outline

    Any advice would be amazing, thanks!
    Last edited by jereto101; 08-14-2018 at 11:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
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    First of all, your style is great, the faded look of it makes for an old feel.

    As far as scale goes, I personally didn't want my world to be super big, for the simple fact of how far my PC's would have to travel from A to B, and the game time it would soak up as a result. I set mine at about 80 miles/inch, which works well to give the idea that travel is certainly time consuming, but not so much so, that it becomes a burden to progress, and a thorn in the side of my players any time they leave town.

    But every DM/GM is different, so ultimately my advice to you is: Strive for a modicum of realism, but don't dive too deep into the minutia.

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Good start with the coastlines looking so nice and random.

    It almost looks like a continent map for scale. Good luck going forward

    (As I am quite a fan of Table Top RPGs, from afar that is -I have yet to have a privilege to play a game- I have a map I was inspired to create while listening to Critical Role, its not from that world, but I wanted to create it none the less. It is free for use with friends. Nessa'Mor )
    Last edited by XCali; 08-12-2018 at 01:05 PM.

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  4. #4
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
    As I am quite a fan of Table Top RPGs, from afar that is -I have yet to have a privilege to play a game
    I was introduced to DnD right as 3e was bombing and WotC was revising into what would be known as 3.5e, I was 13. My first game was when I was 26, don't fret, haha.

  5. #5


    Thanks for the advice! Im working on the world history right now, so I should be able to finish the civilized areas on the map. As another question, I have always had problems with roadways, how do you guys make them distinct from rivers and such?

  6. #6


    Im still feel relatively new to dnd when compared to a lot of the other people in the community. I started with pathfinder about a year before 5e was released. I was introduced by a friend when I was 13ish, and have been playing with that group for the past 4-5 years.

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