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Thread: Dreighul Iljain

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  1. #1
    Community Leader Ifrix's Avatar
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    Default Dreighul Iljain

    So, one of the other things I like to make other than maps is pixelart. So it was only inevitable I'd try to mix the two
    I wanted to see if I could come close to the style I usually use for my maps so based it on a sketch I'd done a while back. Then loading up in Aseprite I shrank it to a 480x640 layer (which made it too blurry to use but enough to get an idea of general shapes). I tried to keep the palette low but in the end I think I had about 25 colours.
    The language on the labelled map is a kind of made up language based on Gaelic, Welsh and Icelandic.

    Labelled Map:
    Dreighul Iljain labels.png

    Without labels:
    Dreighul Iljain.png

  2. #2


    That is just adorable, If!

    The shape of the island looks good, and I just love those border/corner elements. A really cool idea!
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  3. #3


    Very nice land shapes indeed!

  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Normally not a fan of pixel-art, but this is really well done.
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  5. #5
    Guild Novice Megasploot's Avatar
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    I love this! The landmass shapes actually reminds me a lot of final fantasy worlds with the island arcs and inner sea. The detail on the wetlands is also very lovely. My tiny nickpick is that the fonts on the labels are a little hard to read. I found myself zooming to 400% to read them. Keep up the good work.

  6. #6
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megasploot View Post
    I love this! The landmass shapes actually reminds me a lot of final fantasy worlds with the island arcs and inner sea. The detail on the wetlands is also very lovely. My tiny nickpick is that the fonts on the labels are a little hard to read. I found myself zooming to 400% to read them. Keep up the good work.
    Yeah, I had the same issue. Also, since the rest of your map is pixelated, why not do the same to your labels? It'd fit wonderfully!
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  7. #7


    This one looks so cool. You did great job with that pixel art.

    Quote Originally Posted by Caenwyr
    Yeah, I had the same issue. Also, since the rest of your map is pixelated, why not do the same to your labels? It'd fit wonderfully!
    I am afraid it would not if the labels are so small. I like pixelart, but pixelized fonts are no no to me

    Anyway great map
    New Horizons
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  8. #8
    Community Leader Ifrix's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone

    The font is actually a "pixel font" but at a different resolution to the map (otherwise it would either be huge or unreadable). Made a new version at 200% with lighter font colours:
    Dreighul Iljain labels larger.png

    (also, is there a way to move this thread to "Finished Maps"?)

  9. #9
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ifrix View Post
    Thanks everyone

    The font is actually a "pixel font" but at a different resolution to the map (otherwise it would either be huge or unreadable). Made a new version at 200% with lighter font colours (...)
    Hah, for a minute I thought you'd resized the labels, but seems like you resized the whole lot! I'm afraid that doesn't really solve the issue, since many of the labels are still difficult to read, especially the more complex characters such as ae. Maybe it's the typeface rather than the font size?

    Personally I think this map is so awesome it warrants a bit more playing around with the font to get it really right. There's other pixel fonts out there, just check out this link to get a nice little overview of what's out there. Personally (but who am I, I have zero experience with pixel art!) I'd go with a more simple typeface so as not to distract your viewers. You want them to fall in love with the map, not spend time on deciphering the labels. For example, I think that town on the northern island is called Hjuhnaec, but I'm not entirely sure due to the loopy typeface.

    Also, consider doing all the on-land labels in (off-)white, and using uppercase vs lowercase to distinguish between region names and city names. The colours you're using right now are maybe a bit too similar, AND they don't stand out enough from the (otherwise wonderful) background.

    That being said, I have to repeat that I love this map, and I gotta say I really like that language you have going on. I has elements from Celtic languages and others are straight from Scandinavia. Is there a conlang behind it (or is it an actual language that I'm too dense too recognise)? Either way it's great!
    Last edited by Caenwyr; 09-26-2018 at 09:42 AM. Reason: website wreaked havoc with my exotic characters, so I replaced them with standard ones
    Caenwyr Cartography

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  10. #10


    Looks much better

    I think only community leaders can move threads. Have to ask one of them. ChickPea or Ilanthar etc.
    New Horizons
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