My entry in this month's Lite Challenge. I am borrowing the names from the Isle of Mull in the Hebrides - we had an amazing stay there, and Tobermory must be one of my favourite places.
Island Competition.PNG### Latest WIP ###
My entry in this month's Lite Challenge. I am borrowing the names from the Isle of Mull in the Hebrides - we had an amazing stay there, and Tobermory must be one of my favourite places.
Island Competition.PNG### Latest WIP ###
Last edited by Quenten; 11-02-2018 at 02:14 AM.
"To imagine is to be human; to be human is to imagine. We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams."
Great map Q! Thanks for playing!!
My Battlemaps Gallery
My most recent update. I have added 4 vignettes of the 4 main settlements (not completed obviously. I also will do a fancy frame, and add mor to the terrain. Any help please
### Latest WIP ###
Island Competition.PNG
"To imagine is to be human; to be human is to imagine. We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams."
Nice update, I like the Vignettes.
My Battlemaps Gallery
My current update. A bit more labelling, and adding a frame (the bit I always have most trouble with) and a sidebar for info. Any helpful tips?
Island Competition large.PNG
### Latest WIP ###
"To imagine is to be human; to be human is to imagine. We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams."
Very nice, I love the mountains, vignettes are a good idea and monsters are lovely. Two things :
- the monsters seem a bit pixelated ?
- the waves tiles are not always connected
Anyway, good job
I agree with Tenia, really nice map, couple minor things to fix.
I usually add a frame in Photoshop but there should be some way to do it with whatever program you are using.
My Battlemaps Gallery
Here it is almost finished. I cannot really see any significant pixelation, and I wanted the waves a bit disconnected.
Just want to fix the coast line a bit - somewhat jagged to me - or do you think it is OK as stands
Island Competition large.PNG
### Latest WIP ###
"To imagine is to be human; to be human is to imagine. We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams."
This is looking good as it stands.
As Tenia said, the monsters look pixelated (look at the black outlines). But the artwork on the island isn't.
The coastline - I don't know if you want to go back to fiddling the island coastline at this point, but if you do...
The original art from Bogie is anti-aliased, but the boundaries aren't 'crisp'. (And there are jpg artifacts as well.)
It looks like you isolated the island and then enlarged it.
You'll get a smoother coastline if you first enlarge the original image.
- Use the best interpolation algorithm, i.e. something like Sinc (Lancoz 3).
- Enlarge it in steps of about 20%. (People have studied this in the early ages of digital art).
And then when you select the island, set your threshold so the selection line straddles the water/land boundary. You'll end up with a much smoother coastline.
The artwork on the island looks really good and clean. Nice!
This is my final version, I think.
I have worked out the apparent pixelation - the creatures are meant to have rather indistinct edges, with the colours sometimes overlapping the borders, as in many medieval manuscripts, from which these came. So, apart from a little glow around them, I am leaving as is. I have fixed the coastline to my satisfaction. Anyway, here it is. But feel free to add critique, as you never know, I might have (probably have) overlooked something.
### Latest WIP ###
Island Competition large.PNG
Last edited by Quenten; 11-08-2018 at 07:25 PM.
"To imagine is to be human; to be human is to imagine. We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams."