Hey all! This map is the second in a pair that will be used in my upcoming fantasy novel. The first one (which you can find here) gave an overview of "Aran & Ilan, or the Lands on either Side of the Dragon's Backbone". This second map zooms in on the most important region, namely a portion of the Dragon's Backbone.
I created both a strictly B&W version of the map that I intend to use in the novel (okay, I kept the roads in red for clarity ) and a coloured version, because who doesn't like colour!
Aran_and_Ilan_FINAL (b&w).jpg Aran_and_Ilan_FINAL (colour).jpg
To get an idea of how the maps will look together, here's a combo of the two, and even a quick mock-up against a random (obviously free of rights) image of an empty book. Just for fun
Aran_and_Ilan.jpg book_mock-up.jpg