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Thread: Hexagonal Grid in Krita?

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  1. #1

    Default Hexagonal Grid in Krita?

    So I thought this would be easy, but it is in fact driving me nuts with frustration. I'm trying to overlay a hexagonal grid on my map in Krita. I've tried importing transparent grids and using the hexagonal pattern with fill, but all of those have much too thick lines. Krita has some vector capability, though I never use it usually, but I can't figure it out and even if I could, I can't draw a correctly proportioned hexagon. Those of you who use Krita, how do you get around these problems?

    EDIT: I think I posted this in the wrong place but I can't figure out how to delete or change it.
    Last edited by mreading247; 12-20-2018 at 06:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Moved to 'How Do I' forum. Hope someone can answer your question.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3


    Howdy -

    I'm a Krita user and I think I've got some tips that will help you make better use of the transparent grids - first a technique to help you slim down the line weights of the grid, and then perhaps some ways to make filling the tiles easier if you need them.

    A couple of questions to tailor my suggestions to your needs:

    1. Can you share a link to the transparent grid you're trying to use on your map?
    2. Are you having any difficulty scaling the grid to your map? If so, can you provide both the pixel dimensions and geographical dimensions of your map?

    I'm happy to entertain any other questions you have or develop along the way.

  4. #4


    I'm trying to do this as well, but I'm a complete noob at Krita. I've come across a script that will do it in Gimp (I think), and I was considering doing it in that and then opening the file back up in Krita. However, I also want to the fill the hex layer with color for elevation, climate, terrain, &c. I'm not sure if I could us the paintbucket for that.

    Most of my experience has been in Paint and MS Publisher, and those skills aren't translating well.

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