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Thread: Hey! I'd like a cartographer to make a world map, a city map and a country map!

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  1. #1

    Map Hey! I'd like a cartographer to make a world map, a city map and a country map!


    Subject & style

    Hello there! I'd like a more realistic-type map of a world map that we've been playing in for over 5 years. I've made several HORRIBLE maps over the years, most of them can be found on -> <-.

    It would be completely fine if they were stylistic as well, as long as they remain thematically similar. Just make it look cool and we're happy!

    I would also like a city map of a large technocratic city with floating isles and sitting atop a cut-off mountain top. Inspiration can be found here:

    I would also like a country map of a country called Praëtor (or something even more fitting, up to you!). It is Roman-inspired but you may change this as you will, it is completely up to the artist in question. It would then also need to be changed on the world map, obviously.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: I would like to receive the world map first, so no need to work on the others yet if we stick with only one artist! I might feel the inspiration to make it myself, albeit horribly.

    Quality & Size

    I would like it to be good, obviously, and I understand the number of maps and difficulty to be quite high and that's why we (the group) are ready to pay for that. The most important map is the world map seeing as that's the one we'll be using most. What I would like is for the world map to be big enough to print, but if that's not possible that's fine. We're playing over the internet.

    Time Constraints

    We would like it as soon as possible, obviously.


    I don't see why we'd need the copyright of the map(s), but we'd like free use obviously.

    Contact Details
    panze_e -- at -- or discord: Bjerek#4674. Thank you!
    Last edited by Bjerek; 03-02-2019 at 08:17 AM.

  2. #2


    Have you found anyone to create your world map yet? I completed a similar project recently that helped an author take a low quality, inaccurate map she had sketched out and made something for her that she loved. I would truly like a chance to do this again as it was very satisfying.

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