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Thread: Let's play Baldur's Gate?

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  1. #1

    Default Let's play Baldur's Gate?

    If it fits anywhere on the forums I figure this is the right place for it.

    After seeing J.Edward's recent commissions for the Heroes of Bladur's Gate I'm thinking of starting yet another run through of the classic Baldur's Gate game but maybe we could do it as a sort of collaborative play through if there is any interest.

    The first thing we need is a character! The game runs on AD&D rules so keep that in mind. Here is a basic idea of the options for race and class:



    There are some race/class combo restrictions and some further restrictions on alignment depending on class but that is all a bit complicated. Gender and name are also up for selection too.

    So if you think this would be fun give me some character suggestions and lets make a character for a run through of the game (or until we lose interest )

  2. #2
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I remember my team of half-orc barbarian mages from Pool of Radiance, it was an awful game.
    No barbarians here ?

    Do we only have 1 character?

  3. #3


    We only have one character but we can pick up some friends a long the way to fill out a party of up to 6 characters. There are 29 different NPCs that you can recruit to your party scattered through out the game so there is a decent choice depending on our alignment and where we visit.

    Barbarian is a class option! It is a sub-type of fighter.


  4. #4
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
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    North Carolina, USA


    you know... I have both of those games... Baldur's Gate, and Tales from the Sword Coast. I also have Icewind Dale. I've started them many times... but something always happens and I have never finished them! I've been thinking about trying to play them through one day... but I just never seem to have the time.
    Like a thief in the night
    she comes with no form
    yet tranquility proceeds
    the accursed storm...

    check out my new Deviant Art page!

  5. #5

    Default I love these old games!

    I am about half way through the original BG right now. You can do it story line mode right off the bat with one character or make an entire party in the enhanced version. I JUST finished a Nashkel Map, though it is my first creation using Dungeon Painter Studios. I only spent about 2 hours making the map, and about six to ten on making PNG buildings from various sources on the web.
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  6. #6

    Map Trying to figure out all the requirements

    To post an image and post in general on the subject of Baldurs Gate.
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  7. #7
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
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    Western Pennsylvania


    This is just awesome to see, I always enjoy a return to old games.

    I do indeed have BG TftSC, and like ladiestorm, I have gotten far into it, but never finished it, same for Icewind Dale.

    I would be willing to play a healer, my natural choice in RPG's. Let me know through private message if you'd like to have me along! I'm a sucker for anything DnD.



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