I've been trying out a new building plan style. This was the result. This is the tower on the hill from my Linsella village map.
I've been trying out a new building plan style. This was the result. This is the tower on the hill from my Linsella village map.
Looks great, I really like this new style! It has a fun cartoon feel somehow. I love the level of detail, with those little items scrattered all across the tower. I maybe would have used a little fade effect on the edges of the grass around the first floor, to make it look less dominant, as it breaks the piece's harmony a bit when the next floors (naturally) have no surroundings... but that is really major nitpicking and I'm not sure if it even would work. Great little map!
Wonderful! I like the floor tiling the most oddly enough, with the walls a superb second.
Gotta agree with Kell that the little elements certainly make this piece great.
There's a lot of cool details and care all over the piece : the shields, the wonderful light... Cute little rooms, really well made. In one word (well, ok... 6...) : a cool evolution of the style. I'm a liiitle less fond of the title, but it's just a personal taste ^^
Thanks everyone.
Misty: So the title font - it's not the best I agree and I could definitely have picked a better one. That font is actually my non-cursive handwriting in .ttf form. Back when I did my Linsella village map when it came to picking a title font, I couldn't decide so just picked that one for fun. But because the two maps are related, I decided to use the same one here too as this map is also just for practice so I'm not so worried about decent typography. =P
Looks great Larb
I definitely am a fan of your work.
I have to spread rep, but I'll be back.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
This is great. Keep doing it.
“When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden
* Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt
I get a bit mixed up on the topic of where I commented on maps but the Guild is mandatory I love everything about this map but I'd say the stonework is really well done. I did not thought it was possible but you've bettered yourself