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Thread: Humblewoods! A fun DnD 5E campaign setting with animals for the races!

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Default Humblewoods! A fun DnD 5E campaign setting with animals for the races!


    I did the map for this fun campaign setting, with animals for races, rather than elves, dwarves and all that. The project was on KICKSTARTER to fund it, and raised over a million dollars, when all they were looking for was $20,000.

    The final book, which I got a PDF copy, is really well designed, and put together. One aspect is they had a bunch of different artists, and you know, it really really works.

    I also did the map for their next Kickstarter project, which hasn't gone up yet. I tried to find a link to this outside of Kickstarter, but couldn't.

    If you stuff like the Secret of Nimh, or Mouse Guard, this could be a campaign setting for you.

    I've been doing a lot of maps lately. I haven't been posting them, because it's often months before I can show them, and honestly I forget. But I've gone through and made a list of them, so I can start posting over the next few weeks.

    Hi everyone!

  2. #2
    Guild Apprentice IICubeII's Avatar
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    First off, let me say, the drawings are great! I love the forest areas, the mountains, the small castles and all that stuff! Everything is drawn really well. Even though this seems to be an older map (that's what I gathered anyway), I'd love to offer some unwarranted constructive criticism!

    So, I feel like some colors are super saturated while other colors aren't as much. Some colors feel slightly out of place even. Making it look a little off to me, not a huge deal but just catches my eye strangely for some reason. I think the grass should change colors in a few spots as well, such as, where the sandy hills are (assuming the mounds are sandy hills). Making shore lines a sandy tan would more clearly show where beaches are too!

    Second thing I'd point out is the texture used on the grass. It's a bit blurry and if it was cleaner I'd say you should put it over everything, not just the grass. Having untextured details over a textured ground just reads off to me. Again, not a huge deal, but worth noting. I'd even suggest making the little hash marks for the grass areas more visible, they're faint and get a little lost in the texture.

    That's it though, your work is clean, well done good sir! Also, I absolutely love the banner for the "Humblewood" text. Just looks awesome, and again, all the detail work put into this really shows. Anyway, great job! Hope this didn't come off as snobby or anything, just sharing ideas because I'm bored!
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  3. #3
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IICubeII View Post
    First off, let me say, the drawings are great! I love the forest areas, the mountains, the small castles and all that stuff! Everything is drawn really well. Even though this seems to be an older map (that's what I gathered anyway), I'd love to offer some unwarranted constructive criticism!

    So, I feel like some colors are super saturated while other colors aren't as much. Some colors feel slightly out of place even. Making it look a little off to me, not a huge deal but just catches my eye strangely for some reason. I think the grass should change colors in a few spots as well, such as, where the sandy hills are (assuming the mounds are sandy hills). Making shore lines a sandy tan would more clearly show where beaches are too!

    Second thing I'd point out is the texture used on the grass. It's a bit blurry and if it was cleaner I'd say you should put it over everything, not just the grass. Having untextured details over a textured ground just reads off to me. Again, not a huge deal, but worth noting. I'd even suggest making the little hash marks for the grass areas more visible, they're faint and get a little lost in the texture.

    That's it though, your work is clean, well done good sir! Also, I absolutely love the banner for the "Humblewood" text. Just looks awesome, and again, all the detail work put into this really shows. Anyway, great job! Hope this didn't come off as snobby or anything, just sharing ideas because I'm bored!
    Well, considering this was done for a kickstarter, and the books out and published, there's no real changing the map. Also, projects like this always have client input to deal with. So some of the things you don't like, where part of the clients needs.

  4. #4
    Guild Apprentice IICubeII's Avatar
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    Totally understand all that, just pointing stuff out! Take it with a grain of salt.
    Better than a box!

  5. #5


    Looks nice! It could benefit from a heavier texture as far as I'm concerned, but I'm a huge texture slut so pay me no mind The style and colors certainly make me think of a fun and carefree setting.
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  6. #6
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
    Looks nice! It could benefit from a heavier texture as far as I'm concerned, but I'm a huge texture slut so pay me no mind The style and colors certainly make me think of a fun and carefree setting.
    I agree. Had to tone it down for the clients. Ah well. The next map I did for them, they said, up the grittiness so I just used more textures and they loved it. Different world and such.

  7. #7


    Looks nice TimPaul. Good work.


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