Hi everyone !
So i didn't mention it in my introduction thread but I'm being diagnosed with Autism this month, after three years (really it's more but, i'm not gonna explain that here xD) of struggling with doctors and psychiatrists, and to be honest this has quite been a revelation and an answer to a lot of issues I had with life in a world not made for me. So when I got struck by the mapping lightning i just felt like dong this map, of what an autistic place could look like, and i have to admit i'm quite satisfied with how it turned out x)
The process has also been quite therapeutic, as I'm still figuring out my place on the spectrum and also learning to accept that there are a lot of stuff neurtoypicals do that I'll never be able to do and that's okay.
Anyway, if you are not autstic you may not get any of the stuff on there xD But it's okay you can ask, if you want to know more (i just don't know if i'm able to explain clearly as i have a lot of trouble to express myself in a way that makes sense to others x) )
Thanks a lot to JoshStolarz for his nice tutorials on which i based almost all the different locations x)
Also, sorry about the mediocre quality of the file, I don't have a scanner so I have to take pictures for traditional drawings slkdfjsd