Hi All,
Recently discovered this site and I think this is a great forum for this type of work. I look forward to not only checking out all the great maps but also contributing as time allows.
Personally I've worked in the field of GIS and Cartography professionally for the last ten years and combine that with me being a gamer and you get your standard recipe for someone who thinks made up maps are cool
Here is an example of my job work (res is kinda low):
I have always made maps for my games but its always been challeniging since I'm used to working with real world data.
My last major game map was for a long campaign of D&D:
My first city map for Earthdawn (city built into the side of a volcano)
City of Domek.pdf
In related fictional mapping I created a website making 2D interepretations of Counter-Strike maps, site was pretty big in its time:
Well thats all for now,